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Cours gratuits > Forum : English only [ POSTER UN NOUVEAU SUJET ]
All your questions about the English language, no French allowed.

Triplet n225 bis (22') Le loch Ness (37') À propos de Lucie (2h)
Our Story/192 (5h) Leur ou LeurS (10h) As ou that (17h)
Let's suggest/79 - Taking it e... (26h) Le mot exact pour dire (27h) Ex 291/ Daddy loves you (38h)

Page 15 [Début]

Correction/ Name Spelling1anonyme 27-12-2017 17:14:05
Stock Taking/help1anonyme 27-12-2017 13:59:35
Help/mobile phones1adelaidechiu 26-12-2017 10:51:03
Adjective/ Preposition 4trevorkhan 16-12-2017 12:39:08
Indirect speech/help2angrepa 11-12-2017 14:38:55
Used to/marginal verb3mohammad51 30-11-2017 16:32:20
Used to/ always 5mohammad51 28-11-2017 18:04:52
Worry/countable or uncountable1mohammad51 28-11-2017 11:56:11
A lot-lots of/help1maessie 27-11-2017 00:30:03
Think of/think about5anuesther 26-11-2017 21:49:14
Let him go/ goes3mohammad51 24-11-2017 14:49:08
Basic/help1sufi2095 20-11-2017 21:03:45
Curriculum vitae/help2sioul68 20-11-2017 13:50:35
Smart phone/help10rinpao96 17-11-2017 08:48:37
The news hit/ hits1thierrydemlt 16-11-2017 16:18:03
Which/help1haithm22 16-11-2017 09:59:01
During or on/help1haithm22 13-11-2017 22:54:25
Inversion /help1mohammad51 13-11-2017 15:06:03
I or me/ discussion5mohammad51 12-11-2017 20:32:17
Have /help1haithm22 12-11-2017 00:35:15

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