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Lettre/ motivation euro

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Lettre/ motivation euro
Message de kiseki posté le 19-06-2017 à 12:57:32 (S | E | F)
j'ai besoin d'aide s'il vous plait pour ma lettre de motivation pour faire une seconde euro anglais, ma prof d'anglais étant absente je ne peux pas lui demander de m'aider... Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui y jetteront un coup d'oeil !
Subject : Cover letter for an european class

Madam, Sir,

I would like to integrate an european 10th grade because it would allow me to perfect my English level. Nowadays, a good knowledge of this language serves to convey openly with people of all nationalities : it's also what is encouraging me in practicing English in an european section.

On one side, English will be useful for me in the professional area since I have in project to work in the engineering and the programming. On the other hand, it's a culture and a language which attract me very much. I enjoy reading websites and short stories in English and I would like to expand my learnings in the history of the English-speaking countries. In the future, I plan on travelling in the United Kingdom or the United States in order to discover these countries.

I'm aware that this class will increase my work time, but I feel sufficiently invested and motivated in my schooling to cope with it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and hoping for a favorable answer. Thank you for your time and consideration.


Modifié par lucile83 le 19-06-2017 21:31

Réponse : Lettre/ motivation euro de here4u, postée le 19-06-2017 à 16:17:02 (S | E)
hello !
This link may help you:
Lien internet

Dear Madam,/ Sir,
I would like to integrate an european(wrong article + capital!) 10th grade because it would allow me to perfect my English level. Nowadays, a good knowledge of this language serves to convey openly with people of all nationalities: it's also what is encouraging me in practicing English in an european section.

On one side(on the one hand..., English will be useful forto me in the professional area since I have in project to work in the engineering and the programming. On the other hand, it'(what is???)s a culture and a language which attract me very much. I enjoy reading websites and short stories in English and I would like to expand my learnings in the history of the English-speaking countries. In the future, I plan on travelling in the United Kingdom or the United States in order to discover these countries.

I'm aware that this class will increase my work time, but I feel sufficiently invested and motivated in my schooling to cope with it.

I am looking forward to hearing from you soon and hoping for a favorable answer. Thank you for your time and consideration.

Here is a young person of generation Y!!! You perfectly tell the people what they can bring you , but do not state at all (or hardly ...) what you can bring them! This should be done. Insist on your interest, motivation etc!

Réponse : Lettre/ motivation euro de kiseki, postée le 19-06-2017 à 17:51:08 (S | E)
Thank you very much for this answer! I read the advice about the cover letter, I'm going to follow it, thanks !


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