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EO/Idée de progrès

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EO/Idée de progrès
Message from quentinilly posted on 03-05-2017 at 11:29:18 (D | E | F)
je passe l'expression oral du Bac d'anglais dans quelque jours, j'aimerais qu'on corrige mon texte sur l'idée de progrès concernant les femmes.
Merci beaucoup !

I am going to talk about the notion « IDEA OF PROGRESS ». The idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. Progress implies changes, some evolution from an old order In the classroom we focused on the evolution of the right of women and we can ask Is what women and men are equal today? First, I'm going to talk about the development of women's rights and in a 2nd part, I will explain the limits of their rights.

The struggle for equality between men and women does not date from today, it already took place in the 19th century as shown in the film “The suffragettes”. The film takes place in 1912 in the United Kingdom, when a group of women decide to revolt and ask for equality. They are prohibited from voting; they work more and are paid less. They will have the right to vote in 1928 this event led to a second wave of feminism in 1960 in the United States called Women's Lib which is a movement for the liberation of women who fight against all forms of discrimination against women.

Today women have many rights as men. But it is still discriminated against because in a recent study in the Unite States a woman will have a salary of 21% less than a man for the same work this is what Emma Watson denounces in the oral comprehension “He for she campaign”. She says she wants to gather as many people and as a boy to lead the struggle of feminism. The American ambassador thinks that social justice is necessary and that for this it is necessary to treat a woman like a man. The woman can complain about other areas because one woman in seven has been the victim of sexual abuse notably in developing countries. To promote gender equality, there is no such thing as displaying it in public space. However, at the political, cultural or sporting level, parity is far from being effective. And in the private sector some religions do not establish the same rights between men and women.

For several centuries the right of women has evolved in the right direction. But she never had real equality with men, even today these differences are polemical and it is hoped that women will be on an equal footing with men. Because do not forget no women no life

Edited by lucile83 on 04-05-2017 09:05

Re: EO/Idée de progrès from soei, posted on 04-05-2017 at 07:43:32 (D | E)
You are right .But the most important is the case that you noticed not much. Paying less, working more, ... These are not as important as the case that I mean. And you know what I Mean. Being only a plaything.
About religion I should say it has not been known for all of us completely. We should search carefully about religions and then say the last word. Anyway it is an attractive subject for me to talk about.
Best regards

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