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Homework marks/help

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Homework marks/help
Message from wantmore posted on 03-05-2017 at 05:36:28 (D | E | F)
Some teachers in China mark the homework with English letters "A, B, C, D". I have also seen more marks like "A+, A, B, C" and just "A, B, C".
I want would like to know which is correct or more common. And should I believe it's all up to the teacher?
Thanks for any reply.

Edited by lucile83 on 03-05-2017 07:03

Re: Homework marks/help from here4u, posted on 03-05-2017 at 11:59:25 (D | E)

Unless you're doing a multiple-choice questionnaire, where the answers are right or wrong, correcting papers and tests is a terribly subjective process. (For an essay, the appreciation may vary a lot!)
Giving letters is a way to be less abrupt and categorical, less subjective...: A - B - C - D - E - F are letters given to appreciate your work, depending on schools and teachers, especially for training, never for exams.

An average work will be given a C, meaning, "pass"; Dis insufficient (considering the work, results or level); E may be given if your work is considered as "very, very bad, or hopeless..." The teacher "suspecting" the student hasn't worked at all.) An F in the case of homework is "Unacceptable. Do it again!"

On the contrary, B is "satisfactory", "good work", "go on!" and A is very good or excellent.
Some teachers add + or - which represent "guides" for the students; A+ = an exceptional work and is an incentive to go on. A- being ... "you're not far from excellence... You can do better!

Some schools even use 3 letters: C/A/E will mean : Your knowledge of the question is just average. / The use of this little knowledge is excellent/ Your expression (grammar, spelling) is terrible...
Hope it helped!

Re: Homework marks/help from wantmore, posted on 07-05-2017 at 12:07:02 (D | E)
Hello, here4u. Thank you for your answer. That helps a lot.

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