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Exposé /solar panel

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Exposé /solar panel
Message de azzi33 posté le 01-05-2017 à 19:11:20 (S | E | F)
Hello à tous !
J'ai un exposé à faire en anglais la semaine prochaine et je souhaiterais que vous m'aidiez à corriger et peaufiner mon exposé.
Merci d'avance.

Voici mon exposé :
I- Inventor and use
The photovoltaic’s process was found for the first time in 1839 by Alexandre Edmond BEQUEREL, a French physicist. Edmond noticed that some materials could product small electricity’s quantities when they’re exhibited on light. Albert EINSTEIN considered the work, in 1905 and published an article about potential of electricity’s product from sunshine. This article explores the photovoltaic’s process, the technology on which are based solar panels. The first solar panel was built in 1954 by BELL’s laboratory. It made possible to transform sunshine on energy.

II- Why does it exist?
The solar’s energy becomes priority for more and more countries. The solar power stations are built all around the world. The business also invests. The electricity’s company and governments offer subsidies and discounts to encourage owners to invest in solar panel for their house. The fossil fuels are quite over. There are troubles of pollution and we must respect environment.

III- How does it work?
The basic component of solar panels is silicon and it is the same basic mater for computers. When the silicon has no more impurities, it becomes a neutral platform for transmission of electrons. Silicon (silicium) has also properties on the atomic scale making it even more attractive for creative solar panels.

IV- Schema’s explication
This schema explains very well the working of a solar panel.
First, the sunlight strikes the glass of the panel, then photons are caught by the metal contact in the silicon. When photons and silicon are together, electrons are created. The electrons move from the negative pole to the positive pole, thus creating electricity.

Merci beaucoup de votre future aide. Bonne soirée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-05-2017 22:54

Réponse : Exposé /solar panel de azzi33, postée le 03-05-2017 à 19:36:42 (S | E)
je vois que personne n'a répondu à ma requête...
Si quelqu'un pouvait m'aider ce serait très sympa !
Bonne soirée!

Réponse : Exposé /solar panel de traviskidd, postée le 03-05-2017 à 23:52:20 (S | E)
Hello; I've checked only your English, not your science!

The photovoltaic’s process was found for the first time(discovered? invented?) in 1839.

Edmond noticed that some materials could product(produce? conduct?) small electricity’s quantities(the quantities don't "belong" to the electricity; rephrase without 's) when they’re(tense mismatch with "could" above) exhibited on light.

Albert EINSTEIN(no need for all caps) considered the work, in 1905 and published an article about (article) potential of electricity’s product(produced?) from sunshine.

This article explores the photovoltaic’s process, the technology on which are based solar panels(word order).

It made (object) possible to transform sunshine on(into?) energy.

The solar’s energy becomes(tense) (article) priority for more and more countries.

The solar power stations are (being?) built all around the world.

The business also invests(tense).

The electricity’s company and governments offer subsidies and discounts to encourage owners to invest in solar panel(plural?) for their house(plural?).

There are troubles of pollution and we must respect (article) environment.

it is the same basic mater for computers

Silicon (silicium) has also(word order) properties on the atomic scale making it even more attractive for creative solar panels.

IV- Schema’s explication

First, (the) sunlight strikes the glass of the panel, then photons are caught by the metal contact in the silicon.

When photons and silicon are(come?) together, electrons are created.

See you

Réponse : Exposé /solar panel de azzi33, postée le 04-05-2017 à 23:17:07 (S | E)
Bonsoir traviskidd!
Merci d'avoir pris le temps de m'aider à corriger mon travail
Voici, mon travail après avoir appliqué les modifications que tu me recommandes ;)
J'espère qu'il n'en reste plus...

I- Inventor and use
The photovoltaic process was discovered for the first time in 1839 by Alexandre Edmond Bequerel, a French physicist. Edmond noticed that some materials could produce small electricity quantities when they were exhibited on light. Albert Einstein considered the work, in 1905 and published an article about the potential of electricity produced from sunshine. This article explores the photovoltaic process, the technology on which solar panels are based. The first solar panel was built in 1954 by BELL’s laboratory. It made possible to transform sunshine into energy.

II- Why does it exist?
The solar energy became a priority for more and more countries. Solar power stations were built all around the world. The business also invested. Electricity companies and governments offer subsidies and discounts to encourage owners to invest in solar panels for their houses. The fossil fuels are quite over. There are troubles of pollution and we must respect the environment.

III- How does it work?
The basic component of solar panels is silicon and it is the same basic material for computers. When the silicon has no more impurities, it becomes a neutral platform for transmission of electrons. Silicon (silicium) also has properties on the atomic scale making it even more attractive for creative solar panels.

IV- Schema explanation
This schema explains very well the working of a solar panel.
First, sunlight strikes the glass of the panel, then photons are caught by the metal contact in the silicon. When photons and silicon come together, electrons are created. The electrons move from the negative pole to the positive pole, thus creating electricity.

Bonne soirée !

Réponse : Exposé /solar panel de azzi33, postée le 06-05-2017 à 17:54:38 (S | E)
Hello !

Y'aurai-t-il une gentille personne qui pourrait me dire s'il reste quelques fautes ?

Merci beaucoup à vous, have a good day !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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