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Correction/lettre à université

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Correction/lettre à université
Message de magique515 posté le 25-04-2017 à 16:21:14 (S | E | F)
Hello !
J'ai rédigé une lettre à l'adresse d'une université canadienne dans laquelle j'aimerais bien m'inscrire pour avoir des renseignements sur les formations qu'elle propose.
Pourriez-vous m'aider à corriger cette lettre, notamment au niveau des expressions et des formulations ?
Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui m'aideront ;)
N'hésitez pas non plus à me faire remarquer s'il y a des phrases un peu brutes pour une lettre de renseignements.
Voici la lettre en question :

Dear Sir, dear Madam,
My name is XXX and I am 16 years old. I am a french student currently in Première Scientifique.
I send this letter in order to obtain information about the pathways you offer in the context of my draft guidelines.
Following the granting of the Baccalauréat certificate the coming year, I intend to pursue my studies in a program that would allow me ultimately to practice the profession of zoologist.
I aspire in parallel to discover new cultures and to be open myself up to the world : that is why I am thinking about studying abroad. Canada appeals to me in particular.
I discovered your university of the fruit of my various researches. Its prestige in research and teaching, as well as its apparent versatility, the modern infrastructure and the multiculturalism, of which the corollary seems to be a very pleasant living environment, immediatly seduced me.
I am an excellent french student and I am eager to learn about your work methods, completely different from what I know.
However, my reflection encounters various questions concerning the course I should choose. I do not know which course in Canada would allow me to access to the profession of zoologist. Do you offer such a course ?
I fervently hope that you will have the time to answer me.
Yours faithfully,
To contact me : mon adresse e-mail

Modifié par lucile83 le 25-04-2017 22:42


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