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Cover letter/Correction

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Cover letter/Correction
Message from assiabou posted on 04-01-2017 at 03:06:07 (D | E | F)
I'm looking for a kind person to have a look to at my cover letter. Is quite urgent as I'm planning to apply soon.
Thanks in advance.

"Dear Sir/Madam

I am applying for the position of M&A research analyst at Mergermarket Group.
I'm looking for a new challenge as research analyst. I completed a double master's degree programme in Finance which gave me a good insight in corporate finance and equity valuation. Besides, I possess strong attention to detail and I developed my ability to perform all my tasks in a time efficient manner and to prioritize my duties through one year experience as a fund operations analyst.
I believe that those qualities provide Mergermarket Group with the value that it is looking for in a M&A research analyst. From what I know about Mergermarket Group, the company cultivates an atmosphere of challenge and the corporate culture encourages employees to push past boundaries and explore their full potential. It is a perfect combination for me to thrive in with the aim of providing a high standard of research and analysis.
Please refer to my resume for further details regarding my skills, qualifications and work experience. I look forward to meeting you to discuss my application further.
Yours faithfully,"

Edited by lucile83 on 04-01-2017 06:08

Re: Cover letter/Correction from gerondif, posted on 14-01-2017 at 19:33:07 (D | E)
I am applying for the position of M&A research analyst at Mergermarket Group.
I'm looking for a new challenge as a research analyst. I completed a double master's degree programme in Finance which gave me a good insight in corporate finance and equity valuation. Besides, I possess strong attention to detail and I developed my ability to perform all my tasks in a time efficient manner and to prioritize my duties through one year experience as a fund operations analyst.
I believe that those qualities provide Mergermarket Group with the value that it is looking for in an M&A research analyst. From what I know about Mergermarket Group, the company cultivates an atmosphere of challenge and the corporate culture encourages employees to push past boundaries and explore their full potential. It is a perfect combination for me to thrive in with the aim of providing a high standard of research and analysis.
Please refer to my resume for further details regarding my skills, qualifications and work experience. I look forward to meeting you to discuss my application further.
Yours faithfully,"

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Forum > English only

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