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Sentence/ explanation

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Sentence/ explanation
Message from suhasini posted on 16-12-2016 at 16:41:21 (D | E | F)
First of all I thank you for helping me to learn English.Now I'm able to speak English.This is the best website I've ever seen.
Could you explain the following sentence to me,please?
Thank you for your answers.
1.You should have the school call the boy's parents.
Please correct this sentence too. I've been learning uses of have,get,make and let.The other day I talked to my friend while I used this sentence
"He made a good jump,didn't he?" My doubt is that sentence is right or wrong.

Edited by lucile83 on 16-12-2016 21:30

Re: Sentence/ explanation from violet91, posted on 18-12-2016 at 21:45:15 (D | E)
Hello sushasini ,
Quite late to answer you, but I come across your question and doubts tonight . For sure , the sentence is NOT definitely wrong . But , what do you have in mind ?
You should have ..what do you mean to say ? the boy's school ? You should let the parents choose the school for their son ? A boys' school (unisex?)
Let us know clearly, please , will you ? . See you .

Edited on Monday December -5.47 pm -----

Re: Sentence/ explanation from jade77, posted on 18-12-2016 at 22:21:37 (D | E)
Hi suhasini
As for your first sentence "you should have the school call the boy's parents", it's unfortunately difficult to be understood.
I suggest you this sentence instead: "the school should have called the boy's parents".
Your second sentence "he made a good jump, didn't he", it's correct
You are doing well just continue trying!

Re: Sentence/ explanation from suhasini, posted on 19-12-2016 at 05:59:13 (D | E)
Thank you Jade,definitely I'll use that sentence next time whichever you suggested me.
And Violet this reply is to you.I mean,I tried to say that for example,your son does have a problem at school.somebody beats up your son.He scares to go to the school,You said to me the total incident for my suggestion then may I use that "you should've the school call the boy's parents and talk to them."
Thanks in advance for your reply.

Re: Sentence/ explanation from gerondif, posted on 19-12-2016 at 15:37:31 (D | E)
1.You should have the school call the boy's parents.
Your sentence is correct, it means that you should force the school to call the boy's parents.
I had John killed: I asked somebody to kill John, John was the passive victim of that action. It's the same as: I had that door painted: The door didn't paint anything, it was painted.
I make the pupils work: I ask them to work, I force them to work, and they do it actively.
I made John kill his dog: I forced him to kill his dog. John did that action actively.
I had him kill his dog also exists, just as your sentence exists.It insists more on the fact that you force people to do it, they have no choice.
Another common example is: "He would have us believe that" he is innocent.

2) to make an exercise means to fabricate it, to invent it .
If I make an exercise for you, I invent the sentences and then you complete the exercise I have created.
to do an exercise means you just answer the questions or fill in the blanks.
On the internet, you find: How to do a somersault, how to do a running front flip....
So, I would say: He did a good jump, didn't he ?
He jumped well, didn't he ? would be heard too.

Re: Sentence/ explanation from lucile83, posted on 19-12-2016 at 16:17:04 (D | E)
You should have the school call the boy's parents.
Your sentence is correct, it means that you should force the school to call the boy's parents.

Thank you so much gerondif !! I was eagerly expecting that answer!!! What a relief!

Re: Sentence/ explanation from suhasini, posted on 19-12-2016 at 18:28:52 (D | E)
Hello gerondif and Lucile,
Thank you so much and gerondif your explanation was too....good.Now I get it clearly.
Once again thank you so much.

Re: Sentence/ explanation from violet91, posted on 19-12-2016 at 18:44:07 (D | E)
Hello sushasini
Firstly , I came onto your question and felt surprised nobody from the site had answered it yet , after almost a week . Then I arrived with my misunderstanding ! Woops !
Well ,I must confess I was miles away from the meaning of your sentence ; I understand it now ; ..I don't know why , but the fact is it never occurred to me that you wanted to express a cause forcing somebody to = ' to ask , to force ...somebody to do ...' . Really strange , if not nonsense ! Yet , I would not have used 'have the school call ' myself in any case, because I am not used to hearing or using this expression although it belongs to causatives , alright , right , right . A question of habits or absent-mindedness !! What shall I say for my defence in case of attack ??!! Teachers , you know !
Let me apologize , then ...Thank you for taking the time to explain so nicely the circumstances of your use , the context , you see ...!

Thanks God you are here , dear gerondif with your sweetness !!!! As you say , there was something 'fishy in that case ' ...

Edited by lucile83 on 20-12-2016 09:13
From 16 to 18 December 2016 means 2 days in my opinion, not a week ...

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