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Aide/lettre motivation

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Aide/lettre motivation
Message de jackv75 posté le 20-08-2016 à 13:28:07 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai rédigé la lettre de motivation ci-dessous pour un poste en VIE en Asie. Si quelqu'un veut bien m'indiquer ce qui est faux/pas (assez) clair, ça m'aiderait beaucoup (j'ai enlevé le nom des postes et entreprises pour plus d'anonymat)

Dear Sir or Madam,
Currently working at [Société] as an [Poste], I am taking the opportunity to contact you as I am highly interested in a the VIE position in the [Nom] department.
Graduated from a Master's degree at [Ecole] in july 2015, I have a two years apprentiship experience at [Société], as a bank's corporate customers analyst and as a firms credit analyst, which helped me understand the banking mechanisms.
My current experience as an [Poste] at [Société] gives me opportunity to develop my analytical mind and deepen my comprehension of the mecanism of the banking system. Furthermore, this experience enables me to to apprehend the audit methodology, as well in the management of the interviews and the investigations, as in the writing of the audit reports.
Armed with this experience, I'm willing to pursuie my evolution in the challenging environment of [Société], by evolving in an international environment.
I would like to have the opportunity to discuss with you more in detail about this VIE position. Please feel free to contact me at your convenience to discuss about this position.
Best regards,

Merci beaucoup pour votre aide!

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-08-2016 15:01

Réponse : Aide/lettre motivation de prince01, postée le 29-08-2016 à 15:48:56 (S | E)
les problèmes qui me complique dans ce forum est: la phonetique et les vocabulaires, aide-moi svp


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