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Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de jadou98 posté le 27-03-2016 à 20:34:06 (S | E | F)
J'aimerais savoir si mon texte est cohérent avec e sujet pour l'oral d'anglais: lieux et formes de pouvoir.
En l'attente de vos réponses, merci d'avance.

First of all I would like to give a definition of «Power». It’s the ability or official capacity to exercise control or authority over others. It can be a person, a group, or a nation having great influence over people. Power is exercised through a variety of relationships sustained or accepted, often internalized.
Power affects more than personal relationships; it shapes larger dynamics like social groups, professional organizations, and governments. There can be good or bad types of power. The notion of power implies a basic division between those who have and exercise power and those who have none or little of it . Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. Power can exist in different place, at the different levels. We can evoke the power of a head of state on his nation. A government’s power is not necessarily limited to control of its own citizens. A dominant nation, for instance, will often use its clout to influence or support other governements or to seize control of other nation states. We can also evoke the power of a men or the power of men over women, that is to say, machism.
The concept «Locations and forms of power» includes the differents forms of power, the submission or the opposition over the power
If we look at the power of the media for example we can see how much it can influence the public opinion. The mass media plays an important role in forming our personality, enriching our knowledge, providing us with information of any kind.
Mass media can have an effect on our personal identity: it can help us to feel that we are part of a group (social networks) but on the other hand it can contribute to a feeling of isolation.
Media can have a strong political influence or can shape the way we perceive certain groups of society – minority groups, pressure groups…mass media is powerful because it makes us believe what is acceptable and unacceptable behaviour (reality TV).
The power experienced as unfair or unjust and harmful, called a power-cons who come into resistance. History has been marked by many struggles and contestation of power could take alternative forms such as the Civil Rights in the United States. This struggle was to ensure that blacks the same rights as whites and started during the action of Rosa Parks who refused to give her seat to a white in a bus. The leader of this movement was Martin Luther King who has starred in his speech "I Have a Dream" during the march for freedom and jobs in 1963. The Lincoln Memorial is a symbolic place of power since Martin Luther King delivered his famous speech August 28, 1963 "I have a dream," this message clearly shows the desire to see in the future blacks and whites coexist and live as equals . This movement will include the enactment of two laws that will put an end to segregation: the Civil Rights Act in 1964 and the Voting Act in 1965. The suffragettes are a form of resistance to power. These women fighting for equality between women and men and women's right to vote. Thanks to these struggles and challenges to power the world evolve.

To conclude, we can consider that  in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. The term authority is often used for power perceived as legitimate by the social structure. Power can be seen as evil or unjust, but the exercise of power is accepted as endemic to humans as social beings. The power of the president of United States over nation is not the same power used by a dictator over his country

Modifié par lucile83 le 27-03-2016 21:10


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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