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On the tail/aide (1)

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On the tail/aide
Message from jeffmann posted on 27-02-2016 at 10:36:14
The snail
There is a snail in my garden,
Who eats my salads and my onions,
This morning I got up early,
To follow him, and chase him away,
But for one year that I°m on his tail,
This rascal has, got a baby snail.

This is the translation of a CHILDREN song that I've realised from french to english.I ask myself if the expression "on his tail" is not a bit colloquial not to say rude. I guess the context makes the difference. Sure in a detective story it would mean : " il me colle au train" ... ou " je l'ai aux fesses"...
Can someone give me an advice.

Edited by lucile83 on 27-02-2016 16:09
Traduction de chanson non admise sur internet.

Re: On the tail/aide by jeffmann, posted on 27-02-2016 at 11:04:41
Of course I should have said :"je lui colle au train..." or " je ... " Sorry, I wanted to go too fast

Re: On the tail/aide by gerondif, posted on 27-02-2016 at 12:48:07
une modification pour que ça rime et une correction d'erreur de temps:

The snail
There is a snail in my garden,
Who eats my salads and my onions,
This morning I got up at the break of day,
To follow him and chase him away,
But although for one year now I've been on his tail,
This rascal has now got a baby snail.
avec depuis (for one year) il faut un present perfect
Sinon, on dirait plutôt on his tracks mais ça ne rime plus.

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