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Help/ has and had

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Help/ has and had
Message from thiranga posted on 22-02-2016 at 12:50:21 (D | E | F)
Could you please help me regarding the use of has and had / has been and had been.
Thank you for any reply.

Edited by lucile83 on 22-02-2016 13:12

Re: Help/ has and had from carlabice47, posted on 22-02-2016 at 17:36:20 (D | E)
Hi and welcome.
Have/has followed by a past participle form the present perfect, which refers to an action that is not finished yet or that has an up-to-now consequence.
In my life, I've met many people. This week, I've gone to the doctor twice ( this week is not finished yet).
I've forgotten my exercise book! ( I realise I haven't got it now).
Oh dear: I've lost my wedding ring ! ( you realise it now)

Had followed by a past participle forms the past perfect which refer to an action that took place in the past before another action. It never has an up-to-now reference.
Once he had finished his lunch, he left.
By the time Lawrence arrived, Juilien had already left.
Hope this will help , bye

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Forum > English only

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