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Message from princessmaureen posted on 10-12-2015 at 15:51:29 (D | E | F)
Can you tell please me the differences among these four words? How can I use them correctly?
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 10-12-2015 16:08

Re: Differences/words from janorton, posted on 14-12-2015 at 03:28:39 (D | E)
Shift has the sense of 'moving', 'I shifted the box around the room'. 'I shifted from 1st gear to 2nd gear'.
Transform means that something has changed into something completely different like a transformer that changes from one voltage level to another. 'He is a transformed man'.
Alter is to make an adjustment to something so that it is slightly different then before, it is less drastic then to transform something. 'I altered my kitchen to make it more livable'. 'The captain altered the course of his ship'.
Convert is almost synonymous to transfer except it is used slightly differently and usually requires what the end result is. 'I converted my old workbench into a kitchen table'.
When talking about people, convert is used to mean a change in religion whereas transform will more generally imply a change in personality/appearance. 'Her appearance and demeanor transformed radically after converting to a new religion'.

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