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Modal verb/present perfect

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Modal verb/present perfect
Message from garetz posted on 29-08-2015 at 13:18:35 (D | E | F)
I would like to know about modal verbs plus present perfect.
For example: I should have gone there.
Can I use this structure in question like: Should I have gone there? Or Could I have been there?
If not please tell me why? also tell me if we can use this structure with past perfect.
I mean: Is it right? "I should had gone there".
Thanks in advance!

Edited by lucile83 on 29-08-2015 13:23

Re: Modal verb/present perfect from lemagemasque, posted on 29-08-2015 at 13:27:52 (D | E)
In fact, "have gone" is a perfect infinitive. You can use this structure in questions.
You can't say "I should had gone".

Re: Modal verb/present perfect from garetz, posted on 29-08-2015 at 14:05:39 (D | E)
Thanks a lot.
But I still would like to know, Can I use this structure in question like: Should I have gone there? Or Could I have been there?
Thanks in advance!

Re: Modal verb/present perfect from lemagemasque, posted on 29-08-2015 at 14:10:58 (D | E)
"You can use this structure in questions"
You can say:
I must have been there! I still remember.
"Should I have done that?" I don't know...
But with "I", it sounds like you are questioning yourself or using some irony.
Hope this helps!

Re: Modal verb/present perfect from carlabice47, posted on 02-09-2015 at 15:03:49 (D | E)
All modal verbs must be followed by a base from.
would have/ would be/ would go
Therefore, should, would , must etc can never be followed by HAD ( which is a past tense, not a base form).
When you use should have gone, must have done, would have said etc. you are referring to an event that is past remedy, in the sense that you can't change it .
I should have known better ( it's regret for something you haven't done)
In question forms, you put the modal verb + subject + have + past participle.
If you say : Should I have called him ?", you are thinking of something that you cannot do any more-
Could I have answered the question? : again you ask yourself about something you didn't do
I hope I've been clear enough , but I'd advise a revision of modal verbs!
Bye bye

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