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Message de benjavivi posté le 20-06-2015 à 16:03:07 (S | E | F)
Je dois effectuer un résumé de mon rapport de stage dans un laboratoire œnologique. Mon rapport est terminé, je voudrais avoir votre avis ainsi que les corrections a apporter sur le résumé car je suis une "bille" en anglais.
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

For ten weeks, I did an internship in wine analysis laboratory called “Laboratoires xxx”.
The Company’s facility is located in an industrialized area close to xxx. The company employs fifteens persons.

The subject of my internship is: “Analysis of wines by Fourier Transformed infrared spectrometry”.
This method, allows winemakers to control their wines and get essential analysis reports so they can export their wines.
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique which is used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption of a liquid. The FTIR technique is an indirect analytical method. This equipment is calibrated with many wine samples. The analytical calibrations for all parameters (about twenty (see annex 3)) are created with references methods describes by the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine). The results of these methods are used as a reference for the FTIR equipment calibration.
From these calibrations, wines matrices are created according to the sugar and the alcohol present of each wine (see annex 3).
The FTIR method is brief (thirty seconds), multiparamater. Its principle is physical, it does not need to use reagent. It has good repeatability and can be easily used during analysis routines.
But this method presents a great inconvenient: the matrix effect. The management of this effect will provide excellent results.
Moreover, to control the stability of the FTIR, many corrective actions are implemented (interlaboratory tests, card Shewhart and weekly checks).
Finally, during my internship, I realize many qualitative analyzes on wine (detection of unstable proteins, pectins, glucanes…)

I found the experience useful because I applied the things I had learned in the classroom in a real-world setting and this internship helped me to define my personal and professional project.
In the end, it was a valuable experience because I gained work experience and maturity in a unknown career field.

Modifié par lucile83 le 20-06-2015 16:52

Réponse: Résumé/œnologie de gerondif, postée le 20-06-2015 à 18:31:14 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu, corrections en vert.

For ten weeks, I did an internship in a wine analysis laboratory called “Laboratoires xxx”.
The Company’s facility is located in an industrialized area close to xxx. The company employs fifteensinvariable) persons(le pluriel de person est en general people).

The subject of my internship is: “Analysis of wines by Fourier Transformed infrared spectrometry”.
This method,(virgule à ôter) allows winemakers to control their wines and get essential analysis reports so they can export their wines.
Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) is a technique which is used to obtain an infrared spectrum of absorption of a liquid. The FTIR technique is an indirect analytical method. This equipment is calibrated with many wine samples. The analytical calibrations for all parameters (about twenty (see annex 3)) are created with references(invaraible, nom composé) methods describes(participe passé) by the OIV (International Organization of Vine and Wine). The results of these methods are used as a reference for the FTIR equipment calibration.
From these calibrations, wines matrices are created according to the sugar and the alcohol present of(dans) each wine (see annex 3).
The FTIR method is brief (thirty seconds), multiparamater(est mis en parallèle avec un adjectif mais n'en est pas un). Its principle is physical, it does not need to use any reagent. It has good repeatability and can be easily used during analysis routines.
But this method presents a great inconvenient(un autre oubli!): the matrix effect. The management(vous êtes sûr du mot, j'aurais parlé de contrôle, de maîtrise) of this effect will provide excellent results.
Moreover, to control the stability of the FTIR, many corrective actions are implemented (interlaboratory tests, card Shewhart (n'a pas de sens pour moi mais sûrement pour vous) and weekly checks).
Finally, during my internship, I realize(prétérit) many qualitative analyzes( un oubli en effet!) on wine (detection of unstable proteins, pectins, glucanes…)

I found the experience useful because I applied the things I had learned in the classroom in a real-world setting and this internship helped me to define my personal and professional project.
In the end, it was a valuable experience because I gained work experience and maturity in an unknown career field.
(corrigé par un Bourguignon amateur de côtes châlonnaises! Mercurey, Montagny...)

Réponse: Résumé/œnologie de benjavivi, postée le 20-06-2015 à 18:40:44 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre réponse!

Réponse: Résumé/œnologie de here4u, postée le 21-06-2015 à 08:36:42 (S | E)
Hello ! ( hi, gerund)
Ni Bourguignone, ni amateur de whatever wine ( bien qu'une fois un peu givrée par un' Givry' (c'est ça?) j'ai été gênée par un mélange de et ( annex, learned etc. )
Je dirais plutôt 'in class' ( en cours) que 'classroom' la pièce, Pas 'analyzes' mais 'analyses'.'inconvenient' est un adjectif ...le nom = 'inconvenience'.
Je suis très choquée que Gerund ne connaisse pas Shewhart's chart , ( tu me déçois! ) ... mais surtout, dans ce genre d'exercice, il faut toujours les 'credits' ....remercier Monsieur Truc et madame Machin for their great help, collaboration, patience, bla bla bla...
Have a wonderful Sunday !

Réponse: Résumé/œnologie de benjavivi, postée le 21-06-2015 à 11:39:45 (S | E)
Merci pour votre réponse !J'ai essayé de faire de mon mieux seul sans aide de personne j'ai donc pu mélanger l'anglais britannique et américain. J'en suis désolé!
Encore merci pour votre réponse!


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