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Aide/ rédaction CV

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Aide/ rédaction CV
Message de sunday4th posté le 28-04-2015 à 20:01:51 (S | E | F)
Je recherche un job étudiant pour cet été en Angleterre ou en Irlande, j'ai donc rédigé mon CV en anglais. Pourriez-vous y jeter un coup d'œil s'il vous plaît? Vos recommandations et éventuelles corrections me seraient d'une grande aide. Désolée pour la mise en page, j'ai fait un copier-coller et cela ne rend pas très bien. Je voulais également vous demander s'il était de coutume d'envoyer une lettre de motivation pour un job étudiant en Angleterre ou en Irlande?
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

French, driving licence
Professional objective:
I want to become an industrial engineer: management and optimization of the production and supply chain.

2014-2015 1st year of Generalist Engineering School at xxxx in xxx. Curses in Management, production processes and devices, metrology, solid and fluid mechanics, materials, mechanical construction.
2011-2014 Preparatory classes for prestigious Engineering schools: “Grandes Ecoles”, stream PSI: Physics and Engineering Science, Lycée xxx in xxx.
2011 A-levels in sciences, speciality mathematics, with high honours, Lycée xxx in xxx.

Work Experience:
February 2015 Placement: Electrical Fitter, xxx, subsidiary of the xxx group, xxx.
• Work to bring public lighting up to standards
• Assist a business manager
2015 Mathematics tutoring classes, two Year 11 girls, xxx.
• Between 2 and 4 hours per week, more lesson preparation.
2012 Summer Help for elderly: housework, shopping.
2010 Summer Mathematics tutoring classes, one Year 10 boy.
2009 Summer Fruit and vegetable picking

French Mother tongue
English Conversational English (studied for 11 years)
Spanish Basic knowledge (5 years)

Computer skills:
Maple Mathematics tools and programing (3 years)
CAO : Catia Theory and project (wind turbine gearbox)
Python Theory and project
Pack office Word, Excel, Powerpoint,etc.

Basket Started this year, university tournament.
Member of the charitable association “Gasole” Preparation of events: Fundraisers, evenings with mentally disabled, days to encourage blood donation.
Projects: association with the “Croix-Rouge” and the “Resto du Coeur”, tutoring for disadvantaged students.
“Entreprendre aux Arts” : program to favour entrepreneurship. Business plan: market research, business model, technologies and means of protection, etc.
Development of a business plan in group of three on a project.

Modifié par lucile83 le 28-04-2015 20:07


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