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Aide/ /lettre motivation

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Aide/ /lettre motivation
Message de aurianeb posté le 23-04-2015 à 11:23:41 (S | E | F)
je souhaite partir faire de l'humanitaire; pour cela ils me demandent une lettre de motivation en anglais. Je vous demande votre aide pour corriger ma lettre, que j'ai essayé de traduire (je ne suis pas sûre à 100% de ma traduction xxx).
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

Dear Sir,

I have always been motivated by the desire to travel and be useful to others. Being in my year of Scientific terminal, I spend my degree in June 2015. I introduce you my candidacy for a position within your organization. Indeed for 1 year I do a lot of research together with my boyfirend Ivan Marques. We want abandoned our professional projects, and come together help people. We believe that such experience will giving us a lot on the human and cultural, by contacts with local people, the other crews, and framing.
In fact, I spend my science graduate this year and had as a professional project for a long time to become a psychologist in prisons (and therefore go Faculty of Psychology). But I would like to discover other horizons (such as humanitarian) prior to engage in lengthy studies. We have no experience in this field and seemed a bit naive, but not afraid of work and we are extremely motivated to discover and learn.
I hold the patent to Ability of Animator Functions (BAFA) and I work during all the holidays (little holiday and summer holiday) in a Leisure Centre, and during Friday afternoon in a primary school. So I have the contact very easy with the kids, and I an good in animation.
We have reflected a very long time before leaving everything to engage us, but today we are sure of ourselves and highly motivated. You can allocate tasks us with anything that has to do with children / youth / elderly (for example : youth center, orphanage, using campaign) or so tasks that relate to the building fiel (for example : building site).
We know that from doing humanitarian is not going on vacation, and we will have a lot of responsibility.

You will find further details in the attached CV.

We are available for a mission starting from September. You may contact us for maintenance and to answer any questions you may have. We are available at any time in order to discuss further our application.
Thank you in advance for your consideration.

Yours faithfully,

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-04-2015 14:49


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