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I did / have done

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I did / have done
Message from amer11 posted on 02-04-2015 at 18:44:05 (D | E | F)
Could you help me please?

What is the difference between 'I did my homework', 'I have done my homework'?
Thanks for any reply.

Edited by lucile83 on 02-04-2015 19:02

Re: I did / have done from carlabice47, posted on 03-04-2015 at 07:15:23 (D | E)
Hello, to know the difference you should probably study the grammar !!!!!

I did ..... refers to an action done in the past , yesterday, minutes ago, last week, year, month etc.
I have done has an up-to-now reference, which means that the action has its effects on the present, orthat it has been done this week, today, this year etc.
Yesterday I did my homework
today I' ve done all my homework
Is it clear !? I'd avise you to consult your grammar book (if you have one). Good work and .....
Best wishes,

Re: I did / have done from tszshan, posted on 07-04-2015 at 17:55:34 (D | E)
I agree with carlabice47.

Just more examples to help you grasp the concept.
1) "I can relax now because I have done my homework.
It means that now that I have completed my work, I can relax.
2) Mum asked, "Have you done your homework yet?" You said, "Yes I have!"
It means yes, I have finished my work so please stop nagging at me now!

Compare the above to the following:
3) "When did you do your homework?"
"I did my homework yesterday."

Present perfect (have/has + participle) means something that you have been doing at some point in the past and may have continued to the present.
1) I have lived in this village for three years.
(still living here)
2) I lived in that village two years ago.
(no longer living in the village)

Hope it helps.

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Forum > English only

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