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Message from shalin posted on 27-02-2015 at 03:36:10 (D | E | F)

The fact is that I read a book named The Thorn Birds a few days ago.
A sentence confused me:So he closed his eyes and let himself feel, that last time, forgetfulness in Meggie.
I just couldn't make sense of the final part: forgetfulness in Meggie .
What's its meaning?
Does it mean the man forgot Meggie or he forgot everything in Meggie's arms?
I'm expecting your opinion! Thank you for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 27-02-2015 07:51

Re: Translation/forgetfulness from violet91, posted on 27-02-2015 at 15:25:29 (D | E)
Hello ,
Quite difficult to say without any context ...what has happened just before or is now happening ? Are Meggie and the main character making love for the last time and she is the only one able to make him forget all about his troubles and difficulties in life ? To me , the use of the preposition 'in ' Meggie is puzzling . Or is it a concrete way of describing the ideal place for him to forget everything , their intimate physical relationship ?
- otherwise , we should find 'forgetfulness of Meggie ' , meaning the opposite , then . His oblivion 'OF' her would be just starting ...and honestly , it would sound weird , for you are not aware of the exact minute when you forget somebody , are you ? If forgetfulness is the proper word ...
On the other hand , it wouldn't work with 'that ' last time .

Thank you for adding some clues for a true help . You read the book through , didn't you ? Have a nice day !

Re: Translation/forgetfulness from shalin, posted on 01-03-2015 at 04:02:33 (D | E)
Sorry to reply you so late.

The man is a priest,and his identity prevents him from marrying Meggie.However,Meggie managed to stole a baby from him.
The baby called Dane grew up and was eager to become a priest as well.Meggie recommended him to the man without telling the truth.
And finally Dane died in an accident.The man realized everything and eventually passed away in Meggie's arms filled with regret and satisfaction.
Is it obvious that he forgot not Meggie but everything?
To be honest,I read the novel in my native language.And the translator translated it into 'the last moment(of his life),he forgot Meggie'.The translation impressed me and I tried to find the previous sentence.Then I am confused with the use of the word 'forgetfulness'.But the situation seems not to be so simple.
After reading your explanation,I think it is to do with the scene where it is used,right?
Nevertheless,I believed that the translator must have thought it over several times before he made a decision.
And I have read a comment saying that the sentence was written to satirize the religion(The man died in Meggie's arms but forgot Meggie at the last moment and belonged to god).In one word,I was still confused.
Thank you for your help!

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