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Pronunciation/ J or G

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Pronunciation/ J or G
Message from haohaozuofan posted on 01-02-2015 at 20:31:17 (D | E | F)
I can't distinguish the sound of 'J' and 'G'. To me, that's a same sound. 'dgi:'
Can you help me?

Edited by lucile83 on 01-02-2015 21:32

Re: Pronunciation/ J or G from nath891, posted on 01-02-2015 at 20:43:21 (D | E)
G is pronounced "dgi" whereas J is pronounced "dgei" (like day or hate)
I hope this helps!

Edited by lucile83 on 01-02-2015 21:34

Re: Pronunciation/ J or G from violet91, posted on 02-02-2015 at 13:51:35 (D | E)
Hello ,
I would add 'g' can sound 'dgi ' [i] or [ ] before vowels like 'i' and some 'e ' = gin to drink , jeans to wear .
-- It also sounds 'g' before 'a' , some 'e' , some 'i', . 'o', 'u' and some 'y' or 'ie ' , as you probably know .
Ex: a garment, to get/ got , Gertrude , to giggle, to have 'guts ', a gun , buggy car , baggies ( double 'g' ( clothing ) or baggy ( dance ) ...
-- and sounds [] before that sort of 'e' : George . And ends of words like 'orange ', garage ( common pronunciation ) , ginger , stranger ...
Whereas ' j' always sounds [ ] if you spell , [ ] before all vowels : jar , jet ,jigsaw, jogging , jug , just , Justin(e) .( except for some French words now used in English : this house is a bijou , isn't it ? which sounds 'j' softly as it does in French , and not 'dj 'on your teeth like Djibouti )

When learning the English alphabet ,if it can make it easier for you , books read :
- g [ ] : 'like ' B C D E G P T V .
# - j [ ] :' like ' A H J K .

Hope this helps , too . Have a nice day .

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