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Correction/ lettre motivation

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Correction/ lettre motivation
Message de alexyanick posté le 03-12-2014 à 00:21:17 (S | E | F)
j'ai pour projet d'effectuer une mission pour le SVE (Service Volontaire Européen) dans un pays anglophone (Irlande et UK), afin de perfectionner mon anglais.
J'ai donc rédigé une lettre de motivation en anglais et je souhaiterais de votre part une correction afin que je puisse candidater aux organismes en question.
Je vous remercie d'avance pour votre précieuse aide


Currently I graduated with a degree in Project Management. I decided to get into the European Voluntary Service because, first, it is important to know how to give his time and secondly it is a way of learn about other cultures and enrich my professional and socio- cultural experience.

Through my experience in the field of animation and project management, I have set up, attended, and track projects. My personal qualities are also my major assets to the extent that I can adapt , I have a sense of the organization, I 'm listening , I think my neighbor and I love sports.

When I read the description of your organization, I immediately recognized the commitment and motivation to have to accomplish this mission. Open and curious, I have the adventurous spirit to the extent that I enjoy new experiences that are socially, professionally and culturally beneficial.

I am ready and willing to integrate your association, I am also at your disposal for more information.

In this perspective, I beg you to accept, dear, my best wishes.

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-12-2014 09:10

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de here4u, postée le 03-12-2014 à 18:19:01 (S | E)
Hello !
Here is my help ... I hope !

Dear, (totally improper ...) Dear Sir, ou whatever mais pas Dear tout court !

Currently I graduated with a degree(could be better) in Project Management. I decided to get into the European Voluntary Service because, first, it is important to know how to give his time and secondly it is a way of learn about other cultures and enrich my professional and socio-cultural experience.

Through my experience in the field of animation and project management, I have set up, attended, and track projects. My personal qualities are also my major assets to the extent that I can adapt , I have a sense of the(doesn't sound English ...) organization, I 'm listening , I think my neighbor and I love sports.

When I read the description of your organization, I immediately recognized the commitment and motivation to have to accomplish this mission. Open and curious, I have the adventurous spirit(sense of ...???) to the extent that I enjoy new experiences that are socially, professionally and culturally beneficial.(to whom?)

I am ready and willing to integrate your association, I am also at your disposal for more information.

In this perspective, I beg you to accept, dear, my best wishes.(well ...)
(Try to finish in a more conventional way ...) I'm looking forward to hearing from you ...
Yours sincerely

Hope it will help ...

Réponse: Correction/ lettre motivation de alexyanick, postée le 06-12-2014 à 13:04:40 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide et d'avoir pris le temps de me répondre


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