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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de kaleid posté le 02-11-2014 à 14:48:28 (S | E | F)
Je souhaiterais que quelqu'un puisse m'aider avec mes révisions en me corrigeant un exercice que j'ai trouvé dans mon livre
(qui ne propose pas de correction --').
Je remercie d'avance ceux ou celles qui prendront le temps de m'aider!
Énoncé:Mettre les verbes entre parenthéses au prétérit BE-ING/Simple(à l'actif ou passif)

In November 1960,a tiny 6 year old black girl,Ruby Bridges,was walkingto school.She was the only African-American child to attend an elementary school in New Orleans in Louisana.After a court ordered desegregation,she was guarded by federal marshals.As soon as they saw her,racist demonstrators started throwing tomatoes at her.They also shoutedabuse at her.As she was walking along the sidewalk,she felt terrified.Yet she was pretending not to hear their insults.When she was reaching school,they were still threatening her.
Trhough,this painting,Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce the violence in the early of the school desegregation.He made people aware of the ugliness of racial discrimination and the plight black people were confronting with.

Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne journée.

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-11-2014 15:06

Réponse: Prétérit/Correction de notrepere, postée le 04-11-2014 à 23:28:42 (S | E)

In November 1960, a tiny 6 year old black girl, Ruby Bridges, was walking to school. She was the only African-American child to attend an elementary school in New Orleans, Louisiana. After a court ordered desegregation, she was guarded (ou voix passive) by federal marshals. As soon as they saw her, racist demonstrators started throwing tomatoes at her. They also shouted abuses at her. As she was walking (temps) along the sidewalk, she felt terrified. Yet she was pretending (temps) not to hear their insults. When she was reaching (temps) school, they were still threatening her.
Through this painting, Norman Rockwell wanted to denounce the violence in the early stages of school desegregation. He made people aware of the ugliness of racial discrimination and the plight black people were confronting (voix passive) with.

Modifié par notrepere le 04-11-2014 23:29

Réponse: Prétérit/Correction de kaleid, postée le 07-11-2014 à 13:35:16 (S | E)
Je vous remercie de votre aide et je m'excuse de ma réponse tardive (beaucoup de contrôles en même temps ^^).J'ai bien compris grâce à votre aide mes fautes et elles sont toutes corrigées ^^!
Sur ce je vous souhaite une bonne journée!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais

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