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Message de aminaweb posté le 01-11-2014 à 15:55:47 (S | E | F)
I translated a cover letter of motivation in English and I am looking for someone for correction,please.
Thanks in advance
Here is my letter:

Subject: Application for a post digital project leader in your agency's Nancy.
Mr, currently project manager and Web marketing freelance, I wish to continue my experiment in a more international context. I am interested in XXX because it is a creative digital agency with an international network that achieves exceptional interactive experiences. Passionate about technology and digital innovations, my candidacy may interest you.
The Master content and Internet projects as well as my experiences have allowed me to me specialized in digital project management and Web marketing strategies. I developed skills allowing me today to support all stages of web site creation and the implementation of SEO strategy.
During my five month internship with the company XXX, I managed the project of creating a private social network. I have also participated in operations the real estate application XXX webmarketing. During the last four months mission I made as a web project manager and webmarketing for XXX, I had responsibility for planning a project of creation of site of online sales of ready-to-wear and the definition of its launch strategy.
I am currently speaking at all stages related to the realization of a project for my clients, the drafting of the specifications in the design of the information architecture and web integration.
Curious, creative, meticulous and committed the work well done. Having the habit of both teamwork and perfect autonomy, I know to show initiative at the right time. I am at your disposal to meet you in an interview, fixed at your convenience. In the meantime, please accept, Sir, my most respectful greetings.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-11-2014 16:02


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