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CV Americain/aide

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CV Americain/aide
Message de loepower posté le 10-10-2014 à 19:18:39 (S | E | F)
Je suis actuellement étudiant en Master I et j'ai dans l'idée de me préparer pour la recherche de stage ou d'emploi (sait-on jamais ^^) à l'international ! Si j'en ai l'occasion : l'Australie !
N'ayant pas l'autorisation de poster un lien externe, voici ledit CV réécrit :

Prénom Nom
machin Av.
xx xxxx ville
(+33) 7 xx xx xx

Work experience with an international company in Civil Engineering.


2014 to present › MASTER I GÉNIE CIVIL
> French equivalent of a Master’s degree in Civil Engineering, University of xxx.

2013 – 2014 › LICENCE 3 GÉNIE CIVIL
> French equivalent of a Bachelor of Science, University of Nantes.

2011 - 2013 › DUT GÉNIE CIVIL
> Two-year university degree in Civil Engineering, University of Nantes.

2011 › BACCALAUREAT S-SI (with honors)
> French equivalent of British “A-level” with special emphasis of Engineering Sciences.

Work Experiences

2004 to present › Voluntary work in the private house.

2014 › Internship in XXXX (3 months)
> Design department structure - Study structures to EC2, EC6, and seismic provisions (EC8)
> Research and development to create software calculations based on regulatory provisions.

2013 › Internship in XXXX (2 months)
> Design department structure – Professional study provisions.

2012 › Internship in XXXX (1 months)
> Assistant site manager – Management of 60 sites in parallel.


Good level (TOEIC : 680)

Basic level

Activities & skills

Karate – 10 years
Kitesurfing & Wakeboarding
French Boxing

AutoCad, Allplan, Robot, Arche, Scilab, Word, Excel, PowerPoint


Merci par avance pour votre aide,
Cdt. Cordialement.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-10-2014 21:47

Réponse: CV Americain/aide de here4u, postée le 10-10-2014 à 19:26:38 (S | E)
Hello !
You should know that in most Anglo-saxon countries, CVs are quite differently built from those in France. Therefore, I'd first advise you to Google 'Australian CV'and adapt your data to the given pattern(s). Then show us the result, and it will be much more satisfying for everyone !
Good luck !


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