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The missing vowels/95

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The missing vowels/95
Message de marit64 posté le 09-10-2014 à 23:26:37 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, the number of vowels is given in 3 out of 10 answers.

1- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (lgl)
2- To complain in a bad-tempered way. ..... (bglmr)
3- A synonym of "to fall". ..... (btml)
4- To turn up the earth with a spade. ..... (gd) 1
5- A broadcast of news in a radio or television programme. ..... (wtsncs)
6- A cover for a light-bulb, made of cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it. ..... (hdpmls)
7- To make a hole in or through something with a pointed object. ..... (rpc) 3
8- A thin rod of steel or plastic, used in knitting. ..... (dknnnlttg)
9- A container for household rubbish. ..... (rngc-bg)
10- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... (drrgn) 3

I wish you the best of luck!

Enjoy this new one and have a nice week!

So long

Réponse: The missing vowels/95 de flowermusic, postée le 09-10-2014 à 23:56:03 (S | E)
Hello Marit

And hello to all of you
1- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... (lgl) gill
2- To complain in a bad-tempered way. ..... (bglmr) grumble
3- A synonym of "to fall". ..... (btml) tumble
4- To turn up the earth with a spade. ..... (gd) 1 dig
5- A broadcast of news in a radio or television programme. ..... (wtsncs) newscast
6- A cover for a light-bulb, made of cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it. ..... (hdpmls) lampshade
7- To make a hole in or through something with a pointed object. ..... (rpc) 3 pierce
8- A thin rod of steel or plastic, used in knitting. ..... (dknnnlttg) knitting needle
9- A container for household rubbiash. ..... (rngc-bg) garbage-can
10- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... (drrgn) 3 gardener

I hope your trip was fine

Have a sweet week

Réponse: The missing vowels/95 de headway, postée le 10-10-2014 à 12:56:57 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. ..... Gill.
2- To complain in a bad-tempered way. ..... Grumble.
3- A synonym of "to fall". ..... Tumble.
4- To turn up the earth with a spade. ..... Dig.
5- A broadcast of news in a radio or television programme. ..... Newscast.
6- A cover for a light-bulb, made of cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it. .....Lampshade.
7- To make a hole in or through something with a pointed object. ..... Pierce.
8- A thin rod of steel or plastic, used in knitting. ..... Knitting needle.
9- A container for household rubbish. ..... Garbage can.
10- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. ..... Gardener.

Thank you Marit


Réponse: The missing vowels/95 de sanna6, postée le 14-10-2014 à 19:10:58 (S | E)

1- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes... gill
2- To complain in a bad-tempered way... to grumble
3- A synonym of "to fall"...to tumble
4- To turn up the earth with a spade... dug
5- A broadcast of news in a radio or television programme... newscast
6- A cover for a light-bulb, made of cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it...lampshade
7- To make a hole in or through something with a pointed object... pierce
8- A thin rod of steel or plastic, used in knitting...knitting needle
9- A container for household rubbish... garbage-can
10- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden... gardener

Thank you very much Marit !

Réponse: The missing vowels/95 de esperanto, postée le 15-10-2014 à 17:16:26 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

I failed forget to answer to your définitions. So, I take advantage of a rainy day to remedy it.

Here are my answers :

1) gill
2) To grumble
3) To tumble
4) To dig
5) newcast
6) lampshade
7) To pierce
8) knitting-needle
9) garbage-can
10) gardener

See you tonight! I hope so!

Réponse: The missing vowels/95 de swan85, postée le 15-10-2014 à 20:31:52 (S | E)
Hello Marit

1- One of the openings on the side of a fish's head through which it breathes. Gill (lgl)
2- To complain in a bad-tempered way. Grumble (bglmr)
3- A synonym of "to fall". Tumble (btml)
4- To turn up the earth with a spade. Dig (gd) 1
5- A broadcast of news in a radio or television programme. Newscast (wtsncs)
6- A cover for a light-bulb, made of cloth, paper or metal, which lessens, softens or directs the light coming from it. Lampshade (hdpmls)
7- To make a hole in or through something with a pointed object. Pierce (rpc) 3
8- A thin rod of steel or plastic, used in knitting. Knitting needle (dknnnlttg)
9- A container for household rubbish. Garbage-can (rngc-bg)
10- A person who works in, and looks after, a garden. Gardener (drrgn) 3

Thank you very much


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