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Wait for/ Expect

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Wait for/ Expect
Message from clint01 posted on 25-08-2014 at 08:57:25 (D | E | F)

I am WAITING FOR someone OR I am EXPECTING someone?
If you see an extra plate and glass of water, etc. on the dining table, what would you ask the host? Are you EXPECTING someone OR Are you WAITING FOR someone?
Thank you for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-08-2014 09:15

Re: Wait for/ Expect from lucile83, posted on 25-08-2014 at 09:24:42 (D | E)

Are you waiting for...is the usual way of asking that question.
You wait for someone, you expect something/you expect someone to do something.
But you can use expect in a formal way and say: are you expecting a visitor?

Re: Wait for/ Expect from clint01, posted on 25-08-2014 at 10:24:41 (D | E)
Thanks a lot, Lucile.

Re: Wait for/ Expect from traviskidd, posted on 25-08-2014 at 17:22:39 (D | E)

"Wait" means to spend time doing nothing until a condition is met. "Expect" means to believe the condition will be met.
- "I see an extra plate. Are you expecting someone else?"
- "Yes, so let's wait to eat until he arrives."
See you.

Re: Wait for/ Expect from lucile83, posted on 25-08-2014 at 17:28:11 (D | E)
Right traviskidd, thanks for this another precision.

Re: Wait for/ Expect from willy, posted on 25-08-2014 at 20:08:26 (D | E)

I know you've never been here before.
Don't worry! I'll expect you at the airport!

Re: Wait for/ Expect from amily988, posted on 26-08-2014 at 02:02:43 (D | E)
Good answers, Lucile, thanks.

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