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Spoken English/help (1)

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Spoken English/help
Message from amily988 posted on 24-08-2014 at 11:54:23
I have been learning English for a long time. I can read some English, but because I don't have someone to practise English with, I am poor in spoken English. Now, I am zealous to speaking English well. Could you give me some advice on it? What should I do to improve my spoken English?
Thanks so much!

Edited by lucile83 on 24-08-2014 13:01

Edited by lucile83 on 29-08-2014 07:51

Re: Spoken English/help by clint01, posted on 25-08-2014 at 08:39:55
Hello Amily,
I think we are on the same boat because I have been learning and teaching English for a very very long time but I am not good at speaking, and listening in particular.
I am told that watching movies with the subtitles is a good method. If you want to improve listening you can have a look at the sites that follow: Link


My speaking skill is much better than my listening one. I think the best but most expensive option is to live in an English speaking country for six months. Since it will cost a fortune I think you can listen as much as you can, speak into the microphone and record your voice and try to find where you went wrong.
Prerequisite of speaking well I think is the ability to read the phonetic symbols in English to English dictionaries.
And reading books about English INTONATION (with CD's) might be helpful too.

Re: Spoken English/help by lucile83, posted on 25-08-2014 at 09:13:50

You can listen to a lot of resources here on the site:

Re: Spoken English/help by clint01, posted on 25-08-2014 at 10:14:51
Dear Lucile,
Thanks a million for the link, I couldn't see the forest for the trees.

Re: Spoken English/help by here4u, posted on 25-08-2014 at 10:42:20
Thanks for reminding us all that this place is full of unfathomed resources !

Re: Spoken English/help by rblack, posted on 25-08-2014 at 12:49:12
Hi there,
I feel many people don't allow themselves to make mistakes and that is probably their biggest weakness and most certainly a strong drawback when it comes to improve your language skills.
Our schools and maybe society only praises success but I am sure you have heard the words of many great people who kept going although everybody was telling them to stay down.
Embrace your mistakes as you'll learn from them. Fail as you will grow from your failures. And remember, failures don't make YOU a failure.
Somebody said If you're not making mistakes, then you're not doing anything.
Don't feel ashamed, take a leap of faith and you'll greatly benefit from your actions.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-08-2014 17:36
That is completely off the subject, but I leave it just because it is true.

Re: Spoken English/help by mdzubair, posted on 29-08-2014 at 06:59:18
keep speaking and learning english. it would help you really

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