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Correction/Students house

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Correction/Students house
Message from miyamiya posted on 12-06-2014 at 06:56:12 (D | E | F)
my name is Miya, I live in Los Angeles. My native language is Japanese.
I speak English and French. Regarding my French, I cannot write French property but I would like to learn French little by little.
I want to brush up on my English! I have written some compositions recently, but nobody checks my English. My English teacher in the class seems to very busy and my classmates are non-English speakers( I'm fond of them, though). Please help me improve my English.
Best wishes, Miya

1. Some students choose to live in students housing. Other students prefer to rent their own apartments. What are some of the benefits of each of these two choices? Which would you prefer to live in - apartment or student housing.
Students house: - The rental fee is cheaper than apartments.
- Students’ parents don’t much worry about their children, because they have their own rules.
- Students might make a lot of friends.
Apartment: - It has more privacy than students houses.
- Create own style room.
I have never lived in students house, so I regret not livening in it. If I had lived in a student house, I could have saved money and I might have made a lot of friends. Back then, in Japan, I felt that the rule of most of the student houses were really strict, curfew, breakfast and dinner time, the time of watching TV, light-out time. If I were a young student now, I would chose a student house, because these rules should be less strict than before.

2. Do you think you will be better off than your grandparents? Your parents? Explain your answer.
I think I will be better off than my grandparents and parents, because, my grandparents generation has experienced WW2. There were a lot of suffering back then. My parents generation has experienced the devastation after the war and Japan’s reconstruction. In comparison with their generation, I was born and grew up after the period of the high economic growth in Japan. I can say that I am a wealthy generation.

3. If high school students in your country want to go to university, do they have a lot of choices available them? What are some of these choices?
I think they have lot of choices available to them in Japan today. I don’t know what is the real difference between the U.S. and Japan about it. However, a lot of students come and study from all over the world in the U.S. and the Americans are good at making many things. As a result, the technology in the U.S. is always highly advanced. Moreover, people in the U.S. can set up their own business and put their plans into action. I think people have high motivation in the U.S.. Learning English also is an attractive thing in the U.S., because nowadays, English is the most important communication tool all over the world.

4. “It is definitely an advantage to able to speak English in today’s global world.” Do you agree with this statement? What other languages are important to learn.
I agree with this statement. English is definitely the most important language in the world. If I go somewhere, I believe that English speakers exist and we can have conversation. I cannot speak Chinese or Korean which are spoken by Japanese neighbors. However, if I go there, I speak English no matter what business or vacation. But I think I had better learn at least greeting sentences in local languages before visiting.
My native language is Japanese, so I feel that I have to speak accurate Japanese. If I have a chance, I want to study Japanese more. And if I lived in a country which does not have English as a public language, I would have to learn its local language.

5. Teachers should make sure that their students understand what they are learning. How did your high school teachers make sure you understood everything?
My teachers used to carry out mock tests once in a while to assert students’ academic understanding. I guess that teachers also made sure that students behave properly and accordingly to the school’s rules.

6. Would you prefer to live in an inner-city area or in a rural area? Explain your answer.
Many kind of cities exist; from a small city to a big city. If I lived in a small city, I would love to live in its inner-city area. I don’t like to live in deep rural area, because I am afraid of insects and no lights at night.

Re: Correction/Students house from here4u, posted on 12-06-2014 at 10:14:57 (D | E)
Hello !

Wow ! it's extremely long ... I can't do it in one go ..; but I'll start :

1. Some students choose to live in (dorms, on campus, you mean ?)students housing. Other students prefer to rent their own apartments (and share with others ...). What are some of the benefits of each of these two choices? Which would you prefer to live in - apartment or student housing.
Students house: - The rental fee is cheaper than apartments.(That really depends ! )
- Students’ parents don’t much have to worry about their children, because they have their own rules.(you mean, they have to follow the rules of the University campus ?)
- Students might(will) make a lot of friends.
Apartment: - It has more privacy than students' houses.
- Create own style room.livening
I have never lived in X students house, so I regret not livening in it. If I had lived in a student house, I could have saved money and I might have made a lot of friends. Back then, in Japan, I felt that the rule of most of the student houses were really strict, curfew, breakfast and dinner timeS, the time(hours?) of(for?) watching TV, light-out time. If I were a young student now, I would chose a student house, because these rules should(must be) be less strict than before.

2. Do you think you will be better off than your grandparents? Your parents? Explain your answer.
I think I will be better off than my grandparents and parents, because, my grandparentsXgeneration has experienced (lived through)WW2. There were a lot of suffering back then. My parents X generation has experienced the devastation after the war and Japan’s reconstruction. In comparison with their generation, I was born and grew up after the period of the high economic growth in Japan. I can say that I am living in a wealthy generation.

I'll go on if/when I have time ... Sorry ! I must go !

Re: Correction/Students house from miyamiya, posted on 12-06-2014 at 22:16:55 (D | E)
Hello bonjour, here4u,
Thank you so much for your help. Yeah, my compositions are always long so my English teacher might be sick of them.
In fact, he doesn't have enough time only for me to check them.
It seems that you have to guess a lot about my composition. Sorry about my poor English.
Your guessing is quite correct so please don't think about it deeply. You already give me a big help!
Merci beaucoup.

Re: Correction/Students house from here4u, posted on 13-06-2014 at 11:51:11 (D | E)

It might be a good idea to post fewer points at a time ...If the work is too long, people just look at it and don't even start !

Here's my reading for today ...
XX = missing elements!

3. If high school students in your country want to go to university, do they have a lot of choices available XX them? What are some of these choices? (I would have started with 'In your country ...)
I think they have lot of choices available to them in Japan today. I don’t know what is(GRRRRR!) the real difference between the U.S. and Japan about it. However, a lot of students come and study from all over the world in the U.S(I wouldn't have place these words there ...). and the Americans are good at making many things. As a result, the technology in the U.S. is always highly advanced. Moreover, people in the U.S. can set up their own business and put their plans into action. I think people have high motivation in the U.S.. Learning English also is(word order) an attractive thing in the U.S., because nowadays, English is the most important communication tool all over the world.

4. “It is definitely an advantage to XX able to speak English in today’s global world.” Do you agree with this statement? What other languages are important to learn.?
I agree with this statement. English is definitely the most important language in the world. If I go somewhere, I believe that English speakers exist and we can have X conversation. I cannot speak Chinese or Korean which are spoken by Japanese neighbors. However, if I go there, I speak English no matter what business or vacation (??? not very clear ...'whether I go there on a business trip or for a vacation . ???). But I think I had better learn at least greeting sentences in local languages before visiting.
My native language is Japanese, so I feel that I have to speak accurate Japanese. If I have a chance, I want to study Japanese more. And if I lived in a country which does not have English as a public language, I would have to learn its local language.

Good ! You're doing well ... Try to be more 'accurate' in English too !

Re: Correction/Students house from clint01, posted on 13-06-2014 at 16:00:43 (D | E)
Hello here4u,
I think you are as patient as Job for reading and correcting that well-written but long paragraph. You are right. I just opened the forum and I found it too long so I left.

Re: Correction/Students house from miyamiya, posted on 14-06-2014 at 01:49:40 (D | E)
Thank you so much here4u,
You are right. It seems that people are tired of checking my long compositions. I will post a short composition next time.
I think that I have to catch this website's atmosphere(ahhhh, this expiation is really Japanese! I don't know how to say) so I am planing to observe for a while. But, I wrote many compositions for my writing skill up...
Originally, I like writing something in my native language as well.

About "whether I go there on a business trip or for a vacation", yes, you're right. I want to say like this.
Thank you for your patience!

Merci baucoup!

PS: I still don't know about this website. I will learn little by little. I think I should give you something points via something.
Let me figure it out.

Re: Correction/Students house from here4u, posted on 14-06-2014 at 08:08:03 (D | E)
Yes ! it was a bit long ... and I didn't feel like reading at first ... but then, I read your profile, liked your motivation and decided I would help for 'Eiken' !

5. Teachers should make sure that their students understand what they are learning. How did your high school teachers make sure you understood everything?
My teachers used to carry out mock tests once in a while to assert students’ academic understanding. I guess that teachers also made sure that students behave properly and accordingly to(I don't like this much ...'and would follow the rules of our School' or 'in conformity with the rules ....' the school’s rules.(Don't they ever talk to you and ask you if everything's OK ? )

6. Would you prefer to live in an inner-city area or in a rural area? Explain your answer.
Many kind of cities exist; from a small city to a big city. If I lived in a small city, I would love to live in its inner-city area. I don’t like to live in deep rural area, because I am afraid of insects and no lights at night. The concept of inner city is ambiguous ... It doesn't refer to cosy, tree-filled and bourgeois suburbs .... but rather to deprived districts outside the cities. So that your question is quite strange ...
Who would prefer to live in a slum than in a nice apartment downtown ?

Re: Correction/Students house from miyamiya, posted on 15-06-2014 at 02:47:31 (D | E)
Hello here4u,
Thank you for your patience again!

Yeah, Eiken is English examination for Japanese but I believe it's very useful for preparing TOFEL or TOEIC. Eiken is held in London, N.Y., L.A. and everywhere in Japan!

Let's see... The questions are originally from an English text book. I also thought no.6 question is strange. At first, inner-city means slum in my dictionary. However, according to my teacher, inner-city means downtown or the heart of city, not slum. Slum is skid row for example. Apparently, an inner-city area is the opposite meaning of a rural area in this question.

I didn't write English before, but one of my teachers told me it's very important. When I speak English, I don't feel to speak an accurate English. Writing English have(make? ) makes me check my English. ( unnnn... I think it's not good English.

That's all for it! See you again on this forum!
Thank you so much! Again again!!

Edited by lucile83 on 15-06-2014 09:14

Re: Correction/Students house from lucile83, posted on 15-06-2014 at 09:18:23 (D | E)

One more thing: Many kind of cities exist...kinds (plural)

Re: Correction/Students house from miyamiya, posted on 15-06-2014 at 19:24:28 (D | E)
Hello lucile83,
Thank you so much for revising. It's more natural English than before.( from my point of view... )
Yeah, I know I have to pay more attention to singular and plural when writing and speaking English and French.
Guess what, my native language doesn't have singular and plural rule such as English and French!
That's why it is a little difficult for me.
Thank you so much!

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