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Message from thanhhai97 posted on 06-06-2014 at 06:44:48 (D | E | F)
Can you help me please with this sentence:
"Do you agree with staying in a foreign country ?".
I don't know why "agree with". I think that "agree to" is truth right.
Thank you for any reply.

Edited by lucile83 on 06-06-2014 07:41

Re: Agree/help from clint01, posted on 06-06-2014 at 09:30:52 (D | E)

A challenging question, we AGREE WITH a person while we AGREE TO a thing. I totally AGREE WITH you Thanhai. But we can say, for example Tom AGREED TO go shopping, can't we?
Before I forget, AGREE WITH means to have the same opinion as someone else.
I am afraid I made things complicated because I am not quite certain now which one to use.

Re: Agree/help from rkjs58, posted on 06-06-2014 at 10:34:21 (D | E)

Both ways are correct to ask the question but the purpose is different.
“Do you agree with” means you are asking the opinion whether you agree with my idea or not. Here opinion means you need someone’s viewpoint.
“Do you agree to” means you are asking for suggestion, plan, guidance and advice.
You may feel confused between these two words: “opinion” and “suggestion”.
Opinion is a personal belief or a way of thinking. Suggestion is an idea how one should do or not.

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