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Correction /CV

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Correction /CV
Message de nessfall posté le 04-05-2014 à 20:20:01 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,

Je vous sollicite pour m'aider à corriger les éventuelles fautes sur mon CV.
En vous remerciant par avance pour le temps accordé.

2013-2014 MBA in Computer Science applied to Business Management (xxx) - sandwich course

2012-2013 Master’s degree in Computer Science applied to Business Management (xxx) cum laude

2011-2012 Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science

2009-2011 2-year technical degree in Computer Science elective: application developer summa cum laude

2008-2009 Baccalaureat in Management Science and Technology

Oct. 2013 - oct. 2014 (1 year) Project managment (sandwich course) - YYY (French bank)
Designed workflow tools to digitalize HR process (demand for part-time, demand for payday advance, validating absences) : collected business requirements, wrote specifications, monitored test acceptance, conducted change management.

May - sept. 2013 (4 months) Project management (internship) - XXX (leading French bank)
Assisted senior project manager on new information system development : wrote acceptance test plan, test cases and specifications. Monitored anomalies and evolution, worked with the IT Team.

May - Aug. 2012 (3 months) Project management (internship) - RRRR
Improved the Internet Defense portal : wrote specifications (statement of requirements) , designed prototype with Google MAP Api, exchange with IT team.

Jan. - feb. 2011 (2 months) Software development (internship) - ZZZ(leading european cancer center)
Designed a time tracking software for the IT Department to record and analys time spent on activities. (Flex , C# .NET).

May - june 2010 (1 month and a half) Web development (internship) - Startup xyz.com
Familiarized myself with e-commerce xxx CMS to customize templates and adapt the components, modules and plugins. (Object-oriented programming PHP, Web template system Smarty, Ajax).

Since 2010 Auto-entrepreneur (one-person business) in web development

- Langages : PHP 5, Flex / Action Script, C#, Java, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Ajax.
- Data Base : MySQL, SQL Server, PL/SQL, Oracle.
- Other : Project Management, Agile (Scrum), UML, IBM Rational Jazz

- Languages : French (native speaker). English: fluent.
- BAFA certificate holder (Brevet d'Aptitudes aux Fonctions d'Animateur): certificate of the capacity to organize activities for children in holiday centers
- Youth leader (July 2009 – July 2010 – February 2011).

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2014 21:16


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