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Meaning/at least as many

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Meaning/at least as many
Message from nochnicht posted on 22-03-2014 at 20:08:42 (D | E | F)

They developed at least as many varieties of plants to suit climates.
Can some let me know what "at least as many" means?
As a foreigner it's too unfamiliar..... can't get the meaning from any dictionary.
Help me please....

Edited by lucile83 on 22-03-2014 21:38

Re: Meaning/at least as many from notrepere, posted on 22-03-2014 at 20:25:16 (D | E)

It means "as least as many/much of one thing as another"
There were at least as many people as there were cars. = There were as many cars as (there were) people.
They developed at least as many varieties of plants to suit the (various) climates.
This means that there are a lot of different climates (hot, cold, wet, dry, etc.) and they developed plants that would work in all of them.
I hope this helps.

Re: Meaning/at least as many from nochnicht, posted on 23-03-2014 at 02:39:46 (D | E)
What a beautiful explanation....!

Thanks a lot... really appreciate...!
Thank you...!

Edited by lucile83 on 23-03-2014 13:47

Re: Meaning/at least as many from gerondif, posted on 23-03-2014 at 13:09:21 (D | E)
sometimes, the comparative of superiority can be a little bizarre or tricky. Compare

He is taller and more pleasant than me: ok, normal behaviour.
He is far taller and far more pleasant than me: ok, normal behaviour.
He is much taller and much more pleasant than me: ok, normal behaviour.
He is really taller and really more pleasant than me: ok, normal behaviour.

He is twice as tall and twice as pleasant as me: Oops!
He is three times as tall and three times as pleasant as me: Oops!

He has got more money and more friends than me: ok, normal behaviour!
He has got a lot more money and a lot more friends than me: ok, normal behaviour!
He has got much more money and many more friends than me: ok, normal behaviour but a little trickier!
He has got twice as much money and three times as many friends as me: oops!

Your example reminded me of that: It was originally a comparative of equality:
He is as rich and as pleasant as me
He has got as many friends and as much money as me

In your example, they developed as/so many varieties of plants as were needed to suit every climate.

Re: Meaning/at least as many from nochnicht, posted on 26-03-2014 at 01:14:11 (D | E)
That's also great to me...
Much help...!
Thanks a lot..!

Re: Meaning/at least as many from ashleyhp, posted on 01-04-2014 at 11:47:31 (D | E)
Thank you! A really detailed explanation. It helps a lot.

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