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Multiple issues /help

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Multiple issues /help
Message from passenger75 posted on 08-01-2014 at 09:56:10 (D | E | F)

Would you help me with these questions?
1).....they were playing football,I did my homework.
a)as b)when
Please tell me which one is correct and why and how to distinguish the correct one.

2)Write it down with the reduced form(phrase):
The man who burned the house,was captured by the police.
Thanks for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 08-01-2014 10:19

Re: Multiple issues /help from lucile83, posted on 08-01-2014 at 10:23:18 (D | E)

You have to do the work. Then we'll proofread it and we'll give you advice for your own correction if necessary.

Re: Multiple issues /help from passenger75, posted on 08-01-2014 at 10:59:08 (D | E)
For the first one,I think "when" is correct,If they're not the same.
For second one it's my answer:
The man having the house burned was captured by the police.

I think there's no difference between as and when.
About the second one please give me some help because I don't know about active tense reduction well.

Re: Multiple issues /help from carlabice47, posted on 09-01-2014 at 17:55:26 (D | E)

as has the same meaning as WHILE. It's usually used with a sentence in the continuous form , also the main clause .
AS/while we were playing football, you were studying your lesson ( the second sentence could be in the past tense but I prefer it that way)
As we were playing football , you did your homework sounds (to me) a bit awkward.

I don 't understand your question in the 2nd sentence . What do you mean by reduced form .? Do you mean an ellipsis?
Could you be more clear?
Thank you

Edited by lucile83 on 09-01-2014 19:22

Re: Multiple issues /help from passenger75, posted on 09-01-2014 at 19:35:55 (D | E)
You mean as is correct?
To reduce a clause means to convert it to phrase.
The game which was played on the pc was very beautiful.---->The game played on pc was very beautiful.

Re: Multiple issues /help from friendlyricain, posted on 09-01-2014 at 22:28:06 (D | E)

The police captured the man who burned the house.

Re: Multiple issues /help from lucile83, posted on 09-01-2014 at 23:20:32 (D | E)

The man who burned the house,was captured by the police.
could then be:
The man captured by the police burned the house.

Re: Multiple issues /help from passenger75, posted on 10-01-2014 at 14:51:20 (D | E)
Thank you all.

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