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Sentence/ I need you to

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Sentence/ I need you to
Message from again57 posted on 17-12-2013 at 21:46:30 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone,

Please could you just explain the following construction: I need you to do that.
I don't want you to translate it into French ,I can do it well, by the way. But I knew this cnstruction with like and want, but not with need.
Could we say that:
I want you to do that
I need you to do that
I'like you to do that
I hope you to do it
I'll give you to eat it...

It fact, I think these constructions sound well, but...
Thanks for your answers

Edited by again57 on 17-12-2013 21:47

Edited by lucile83 on 17-12-2013 22:40

Re: Sentence/ I need you to from sherry48, posted on 17-12-2013 at 22:24:06 (D | E)

I want you to do that OK
I need you to do that OK
I'__like you to do that something missing, but then it will be OK
I hope you to do it expressing a desire requires a different construction
I'll give you to eat it...it's best to have the object immediately after give


Re: Sentence/ I need you to from zahra21, posted on 18-12-2013 at 12:46:44 (D | E)

If you "need someone to do something" for you, it means you have to have someone because you cannot do something without them.
If you "want someone to do something" for you, you ask them firmly to do something for u.
If you "like someone to do something", you like them to do it regularly, but if you say "I'd like you to do something", it means, "I love that and I appreciate it."
And also instead of "I'll give you to eat it" you'd better say: "I'll give it to you to eat."

Edited by lucile83 on 18-12-2013 12:52

Re: Sentence/ I need you to from again57, posted on 18-12-2013 at 20:55:27 (D | E)
Hello to you,

Thanks for answering.

Indeed, I forgot to place the "d" after the apostrophe to put the verb like into its conditional form. That's ok I think I understood, I can use this particular construction with "like, want and need", but not with the others.

So, If I want to express the hope that someone does something for me, It's better to write it like that: I hope you'll do it.

Are there any other verbs with this kind of construction?

Thanks you to both of you

Re: Sentence/ I need you to from gerondif, posted on 18-12-2013 at 22:13:21 (D | E)

I want you to do that
I need you to do that
I'd like you to do that
I advise you to do that
I encourage you to do that
I expect you to do that
I order you to do that
I beg you to do that
I forbid you to do that
I ask you to do that
I force you to do that
I entice you to do that

Re: Sentence/ I need you to from again57, posted on 20-12-2013 at 07:48:51 (D | E)
Hello gerondif,

Thanks so much for the list.

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