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gael57 /Speak English German Learn Spani

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gael57 /Speak English German Learn Spani
Message de gael57 posté le 18-11-2013 à 18:10:50 (S | E | F)
My name is Gael. I'm twenty three. I'm French. My hobby is Handball.
In addition,I work in Accounting. So, for this job, the must is to speak fluently English and German.
Can you help me please ?
If you want, I can help you in French.
See you later,
Modifié par bridg le 18-11-2013 19:10

Réponse: gael57 /Speak English German Learn Spani de mimine72, postée le 18-11-2013 à 18:18:39 (S | E)
Hello Gael,

If you like I can help you for English and Germanas I am a translator in both languages English and German. I would like to help you to improve your English and German. TherforeTell me what you would like to work on specifically. Looking foreward to reading you.


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