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State verbs/help

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State verbs/help
Message from margarita89 posted on 13-10-2013 at 02:03:09 (D | E | F)

I do not understand why they say here are some state verbs: like, love, own, listen, see, belong.
I ask this question because I frequently see those verbs with -ing, for example he is listening to music.
So I am confused,
Thanks for your help.

Edited by lucile83 on 13-10-2013 09:20

Re: State verbs/help from irish21, posted on 13-10-2013 at 05:17:53 (D | E)

'listen' is not a stative verb. Please take a look at this link: Link


Re: State verbs/help from simplicius, posted on 13-10-2013 at 11:26:04 (D | E)
Hello Margarita,
Irish's link is very interesting and relevant to your question, for two reasons.
First, you have a list of stative verbs, and listen is not one of them.
Second, you will see that it is not correct to say that stative verbs are never used in the progressive form. They are not usually used in the progressive form, but there are situations where you do use them, or at least some of them, in the progressive form, and several examples are provided.
Cheers, S.

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