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Past simple/help

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Past simple/help
Message from n112 posted on 18-09-2013 at 11:20:20 (D | E | F)

Could you help me please?

When can I use the simple past in daily life?
Please tell me.
Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-09-2013 13:58

Re: Past simple/help from violet91, posted on 18-09-2013 at 12:53:51 (D | E)
Hello ,

You use the simple past when speaking of something you did , or happened at a precise time which is completely disconnected with your present and has no interference ( result ) in it either . The purpose is stressing on the moment it happened . ( infinitive without to + -ed , or each form of an irregular verb ; did + infinitive without to for negative and interrogative forms) .
There is generally a past marker in the sentence to help you choosing this past tense and not confusing with the present perfect . ( have + past participle )

1 ) Imagine : 5 pm : we are speaking of this morning :
- Did you catch the 8 o'clock train this morning to come here ?
- No , I didn't , I caught the 8.30 am one .

2 ) Imagine you used to live in Bombay where you were small .
- Where did you live during your childhood ?
- I lived in Bombay , then my family and I moved here. ( or I used to live in...)

3 ) -What did you do last night ?
- Last night ?.. I went out with my friends , we had dinner in the town centre , then saw an interesting film called ' Jimmy P ' . All of us enjoyed it very much .
. I came back home rather late at half past eleven ( 11.30 p.m) and went to sleep very quickly ( just before midnight), as soon as I was in bed , happy with my evening .

4 ) The First World War ( World War One ) broke out in 1914 and finished in 1918 . The Great War was absolutely awful . There were over 16 million killed and over 20 million wounded soldiers .

Is that clearer for you ? Have a nice day !

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