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camillefrance /English pen-pal

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camillefrance /English pen-pal
Message de camillefrance posté le 26-08-2013 à 23:15:08 (S | E | F)
Hello !
I am from France and I have been studying english for 7 years.
I am looking for a penpal who speaks english because for one year now I don't have english lessons anymore (my studies do not offer English lessons during the first year)

So I would like to maintain my level.
Of course I will help in French !
Do not hesitate to contact me please !

Je suis de France et j'étudie l'anglais depuis sept ans.
Je recherche un(e) correspondant(e) anglophone parce que depuis un an maintenant je n'ai plus de cours d'anglais (ma faculté n'en propose pas la première année).
Par conséquent je voudrais maintenir mon niveau.
Bien entendu j'aiderai toute personne le souhaitant en français!
N'hésitez pas à me contacter !

Modifié par bridg le 27-08-2013 07:48

Réponse: camillefrance /English pen-pal de anoli, postée le 27-08-2013 à 18:14:17 (S | E)
Hello, camillefrance,
I am an English teacher living in Ukraine. I am on this wonderful site to learn French, your language. I saw your message looking for a pen-pal. You can write to me to practice English.

Réponse: camillefrance /English pen-pal de camillefrance, postée le 27-08-2013 à 18:20:47 (S | E)
Hello Anoli !

Thank you very much for your really quick answer !
We can of course talk and I can help you in French if you want to!
That would be wonderful !

But I am not able to send you messages because I am 17 and I can't send message to people who are older than 20 ... I don't know how to do ..


Réponse: camillefrance /English pen-pal de anoli, postée le 28-08-2013 à 11:43:57 (S | E)
Hello, Camille,
Never mind. We can post messages on the site. So, in what do you need help? Is it grammar or vocabulary or language skills that you would most like to practice?

Réponse: camillefrance /English pen-pal de anoli, postée le 28-08-2013 à 11:44:19 (S | E)
Hello, Camille,
Never mind. We can post messages on the site. So, in what do you need help? Is it grammar or vocabulary or language skills that you would most like to practice?

Réponse: camillefrance /English pen-pal de camillefrance, postée le 28-08-2013 à 14:14:30 (S | E)
Hello Anoli

I am more interested by vocalubary like current langage !
I think grammar is ok !
But every days vocabulary is more necessary maybe !

Modifié par bridg le 28-08-2013 14:36
Merci de continuer la conversion via la messagerie interne et non sur les forums.


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