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Message from passenger75 posted on 14-08-2013 at 20:48:02 (D | E | F)
Hello all,

Someone convince me please.
Although he wanted to be an actor, he could not find a job acting
What's the rule behind the compound noun in pink?

And another question:
Are we supposed to say planet Earth or Earth planet?
I asked my teacher and he said the second one is more correct and we use planet Earth in titles where we can eliminate something,he said planet Earth is short for the planet of the Earth and authors do it to attract attentions.

And something else :
Take the following compound noun granted this way: Operation Tehran(or whichever name else) is a proper noun. Should we say it in the above form or this one: Tehran Operation and why?
That we use adjectives before nouns,at least generally,is obvious;but how about two nouns eked up together?
Sorry to have written long.
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 14-08-2013 22:18

Edited by passenger75 on 15-08-2013 09:38

Re: Syntax/help from notrepere, posted on 15-08-2013 at 00:09:23 (D | E)

"job acting" is not a compound noun. It's a noun (job) plus a gerund (acting). I think you're thinking of "acting job".
I just got an acting job at the studio.

To answer your question about the use of the word "planet", we either say "planet Earth" or just "(the) Earth, Mercury, Venus, Mars" etc.
We live on planet Earth.
We live on the earth.
We don't live on Mars; at least not yet.

The words "Operation" and "Project" are exceptions. They always come first: Operation Blue Shield/Project Paperclip. In this case, the stress is on the final noun: Operation Blue SHIELD/Project PAPERclip.

Edited by notrepere on 15-08-2013 02:22

Re: Syntax/help from passenger75, posted on 15-08-2013 at 09:38:00 (D | E)
Thank you for your good answers,would you explain that job acting?(noun+gerund)
What do we name this mixture and when do we use it?

Re: Syntax/help from lucile83, posted on 16-08-2013 at 16:25:53 (D | E)

Notrepere told you the word 'job acting' doesn't exist; you didn't find it either.
But 'acting job' means that you are an actor who has got a job in a film or something like that.

Re: Syntax/help from passenger75, posted on 16-08-2013 at 16:38:24 (D | E)
Ok I'm so sorry.
Thank you very much

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