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Message from dangkhoa posted on 11-08-2013 at 08:09:26 (D | E | F)

Could you
please explain how to use the gerund in the subject function?
A gerund or infinitive subject is considered an abstract noun. Therefore it is singular. When there're two gerunds or two infinitive subjects, do they agree with plural verb?
Thank you for your answers.

Edited by lucile83 on 11-08-2013 10:52

Re: Agreement/gerund from bluestar, posted on 11-08-2013 at 14:17:21 (D | E)

Gerund as subject:
'Eating fruit and vegetables is good for your health'
'Parking is difficult here'
'Drinking too much caused his illness'

Two gerunds:
'Eating and drinking are essential to life'

Note that 'are' is the plural form of the verb.

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Forum > English only

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