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Although/ Yet

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Although/ Yet
Message from sikandari36 posted on 07-08-2013 at 18:19:25 (D | E | F)

can someone help me with these sentences please?,
I read it somewhere in an exam when I had 2 options although and yet , but don't know why it marked although wrong.
Yet human activities are making the planet less fit to live on.
Why is yet is used at the starting beginning of the sentence?
Thanks in advance for helping .

Edited by lucile83 on 07-08-2013 18:36

Re: Although/ Yet from lemagemasque, posted on 07-08-2013 at 19:14:31 (D | E)

"'Yet' is... is... What is 'yet'?"
"Er... Well... I don't know... The beginning of the word 'yeti', maybe?"
"No, it's a conjunction here."
" ...But I thought it was an adverb..."
"It is but it's also a conjunction."
"Then, what does it mean?"
"'Yet', as a conjunction, has exactly the same meaning as 'however'."
"Okay. What about 'although'?"
"'Although' is used to introduce a subordinate clause, so it needs a main clause: 'Although human activities are making the planet less fit to live on, it is not okay yet."
"Okay, thanks."
"You're welcome!'

Re: Although/ Yet from violet91, posted on 08-08-2013 at 00:54:00 (D | E)
Hello ,

When you come across the word ' yet ' , the teacher tells you it is an equivalent for ' but ´ . If you know more , he/she will teach you a few more words which mean the same : however , nevertheless , and ( rather rare in this meaning ) ...used in the beginning of a clause .
- This boy reads a lot , yet, his spelling is quite bad . ( reading many books doesn't help his spelling : surprising) .
Then you learn, you also have a word which can close the clause ( meaning yet- however- ...) : though .
- This boy reads a lot ; his spelling is quite bad, though .

And finally , the teacher will explain how to use a ' conjunction' which expresses concession : although ( no comma) + the full clause .
Although this boy reads a lot ( is a good reader and even a bookworm ), he is still quite bad at spelling . ( Reading doesn't help him ).

Hope this helps . Bye.

Re: Although/ Yet from sikandari36, posted on 08-08-2013 at 12:26:46 (D | E)
Hi , thanks a lot for the help.

Re: Although/ Yet from lemagemasque, posted on 08-08-2013 at 14:37:53 (D | E)
You're welcome!

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