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English proofreading/help

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English proofreading/help
Message from tazounet posted on 05-08-2013 at 11:39:10 (D | E | F)

I am leaving my Company and I wish to know the turn of phrase that are not good I'd like you to proofread my text.
Thank you for your help.

Dear All,

Today it's my last day to Royal, it's hard and emotional to leave a second family, a great team and friends but it's time for me to go to a new adventure, a new technical challenge.

I've really appreciate to work hard with you to integrate Tests and continuous integration into Royal's delivery cycle process.
I am very confident about automated tests coverage to date and the next that will be given by toto and tata.

If you want, my mobile number will continue to be the same and you can reach me anytime. Also, you can reach me on my mail xxx or on my personal skype : ***Royal".

Wishing you all the best, success in your future endeavours and a long and beautiful life to Royal. You are on the good road.

See you soon,

Edited by lucile83 on 05-08-2013 17:25

Re: English proofreading/help from maths038, posted on 11-08-2013 at 22:50:32 (D | E)

Dear friends,
Today is my last day at Royal. It's emotionally hard to leave. I will terribly miss this second family of mine! However, it is time for me to embark on a new adventure, a new challenge.
It has been an honour for me to work hard within this organisation. I really appreciate your cooperation and support especially in terms of the test production on a constant basis.
Should you require to contact me, you may do by cellphone, through email or skype.
I wish you the best as well as success in your endeavours.
See you soon,
Best Regards.

Edited by lucile83 on 12-08-2013 08:41

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Forum > English only

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