Question / hair colour
Forum > English only || BottomQuestion / hair colour
Message from solas posted on 26-07-2013 at 05:39:02 (D | E | F)
Here's a description of an old lady.
"Someone of about seventy with a soft powdery complexion, fluffy peach-white hair, faded but still warm blue eyes"
I'm not sure what kind of colour this "peach-white" is.
Does it mean her original hair was red, but become pinkish because she has lots of white hair now?
Or does she dye her hair pale pink?
Thank you,
Edited by lucile83 on 26-07-2013 07:43
Message from solas posted on 26-07-2013 at 05:39:02 (D | E | F)
Here's a description of an old lady.
"Someone of about seventy with a soft powdery complexion, fluffy peach-white hair, faded but still warm blue eyes"
I'm not sure what kind of colour this "peach-white" is.
Does it mean her original hair was red, but become pinkish because she has lots of white hair now?
Or does she dye her hair pale pink?
Thank you,
Edited by lucile83 on 26-07-2013 07:43
Re: Question / hair colour from hortensia, posted on 26-07-2013 at 07:49:54 (D | E)
Good morning Solas!
Peach-white hair! That's a charming expression! It's the first time I have ever heard it. I know "white peaches" do exist, as well as "yellow peaches", and purple "vine peaches". However, I would never have imagined that their colour could qualify someone's hair colour! xxx

That's about all I can think of about it!

Edited by lucile83 on 26-07-2013 07:57
No French on this forum please.
Re: Question / hair colour from hortensia, posted on 26-07-2013 at 08:59:22 (D | E)
Hi again Solas!
In my above answer, I had mentioned that I assumed "peach-white hair" was probably "poetic license", but, since I had written these two words in French, they have been withdrawn from my answer. I'm therefore re-writing them, in English this time!

Have a great day!
Re: Question / hair colour from solas, posted on 26-07-2013 at 13:10:27 (D | E)
Hello hortensia,
Thank you so much for your kind suggestion and remark.
"White-peach" seems beautiful when you read it, but might be odd when you see it as a hair colour in a real life.

So if it's a poetic license, I guess the writer simply wanted to say her hair colour was very bright...
And thank you for taking your time to rewrite your answer.
My previous question was removed for the same reason.
Thank you and have a nice weekend!
Edited by lucile83 on 26-07-2013 19:22

Re: Question / hair colour from sherry48, posted on 26-07-2013 at 14:01:19 (D | E)
It is an unusual description of hair color, but it could describe a woman whose hair is now white, who formerly had red hair. There may still be a slight peach or pinkish tint to it.

Re: Question / hair colour from solas, posted on 26-07-2013 at 16:53:41 (D | E)
Hello Sherry,
I see. Thank you very much for your lucid explanation.

Have a nice weekend.
Re: Question / hair colour from jedi56, posted on 02-08-2013 at 12:27:58 (D | E)
Hello solas,
I agree with Sherry; there is a colour in some old ladies' hair which may reminds that 'peach-white', what I mean is their hair is actually white but you can guess a light reflection which brings the image of peaches colour. I think.
Nice day to everyone

Edited by lucile83 on 02-08-2013 22:21
Mise en forme standard.
Forum > English only