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Countable/ uncountable noun

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Countable/ uncountable noun
Message from sabrina1011 posted on 24-07-2013 at 10:38:07 (D | E | F)

I have two questions, please help me, thank you!
1. is the word hamburger is a countable or uncountable noun?
2. How many coke and hamburgers do you want?
How much coke and hamburgers do you want?
How many hamburgers and coke do you want?
which is correct? thank you so much

Edited by lucile83 on 24-07-2013 11:56

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from miraa, posted on 24-07-2013 at 11:37:54 (D | E)

Coke is an uncountable noun. You can't "count" liquid. You say either how much do you drink or how many cups (because you can count cups).
Hamburger is a countable noun. You can count the number of hamburgers you have in front of you.
I hope it helps.

Edited by lucile83 on 24-07-2013 11:59

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from angel7, posted on 24-07-2013 at 11:40:17 (D | E)
1- in general, a countable noun can be counted. for example one book, two books and so on.
an uncountable noun cannot be counted such as water, tea, sea.
if coke refers to bottles of coke, you can know whether it is countable or uncountable.
2- much is used with a singular noun or an uncountable noun and many with a plural noun or countable noun.
have a nice day.

Edited by angel7 on 24-07-2013 11:41

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from lucile83, posted on 24-07-2013 at 12:08:04 (D | E)

The word hamburger is a countable noun.

How many coke and hamburgers do you want?...is not correct
How much coke and hamburgers do you want?...it sounds awkward
How many hamburgers and coke do you want? ...it sounds awkward

I'd say:
How many hamburgers and glasses/bottles of Coke do you want?

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from sherry48, posted on 24-07-2013 at 14:12:34 (D | E)

All of the responses so far are good. Liquids are uncountable. Hamburgers (sandwiches) are countable.
If you are going to the supermarket to buy a package of ground beef, it becomes uncountable. You are buying some hamburger, or a package/a pound of hamburger. You count pounds or packages.
As for Coke, when you have a 2 liter bottle and pour a glass, it is clearly uncountable. You count bottles or glasses.
But when you go to a restaurant, it would not be unusual to hear a waitress say, "I need 3 cokes and a coffee for table 2", or someone may order "a medium coke".

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from lucile83, posted on 24-07-2013 at 14:34:47 (D | E)
It's true sherry, it's a specific language in restaurants and pubs, as well as in France; we can hear the waiter say:
I need 2 steaks and 3 chips; and it is obvious that we'll have more than 3 poor chips on our plates

Re: Countable/ uncountable noun from sabrina1011, posted on 26-07-2013 at 13:56:25 (D | E)
thank you, all for replying.
Sabrina ^-^

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