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Present perfect /past tense

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Present perfect /past tense
Message from pavca posted on 21-07-2013 at 14:27:50 (D | E | F)

Present perfect or past tense
I'd like to know why my choice (of tense) wasn't accepted:
3. It is late ! 11.00 pm !! By the way darling, I HAVE BOUGHT a new dress this morning.
THIS MORNING - you shouldn't use a past tense / the day hasn't finished yet, although it happened some time ago; and I've got the THE NEW DRESS now...
Thank you for explanation

Edited by lucile83 on 21-07-2013 15:29

Re: Present perfect /past tense from lucile83, posted on 21-07-2013 at 15:37:08 (D | E)

It is late ! 11.00 pm !! By the way darling, I bought a new dress this morning...is correct because the action is finished, you know exactly when it was (this morning), and it is the late evening, the night we could say.
The past has to be used.
If it was:
Oh by the way, I have bought a new dress today...it would be correct because you don't say what time it is right now when you say that.
Hope it helps.

Re: Present perfect /past tense from traviskidd, posted on 21-07-2013 at 17:02:23 (D | E)

You know the past tense is required because there is a time marker ("this morning") that is distinctly in the past (because it is now late at night).

Generally speaking, the present perfect should not be used for single actions when there is a time marker (whether or not the marker clearly refers to the past). "I have bought a new dress today" is possible, but it implies that you have fulfilled a previous obligation or desire to buy a new dress today (with the particular time of day being unimportant).

See you.

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Forum > English only

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