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Lost to/ preposition

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Lost to/ preposition
Message from solas posted on 20-07-2013 at 19:44:46 (D | E | F)

I'm a newbie here. Nice to meet you.
I have a question about the meaning of "lost to history".
Does it mean "disappear"?
Is it different from "lost in history"?
I'd appreciate it if you could tell me how they are different.
Thank you,

Edited by lucile83 on 20-07-2013 20:54

Re: Lost to/ preposition from bluestar, posted on 20-07-2013 at 22:47:47 (D | E)

If something is 'lost to history', it means that no record of it survives into the present time. Sophocles wrote many plays, but only seven survive - the others have been 'lost to history'..
'Lost in history' describes a historical event that has been largely forgotten. An example might be the invasion of the United States by forces under the Mexican revolutionary Pancho Villa in March 1916. Other examples may occur to you.

Re: Lost to/ preposition from solas, posted on 21-07-2013 at 00:25:25 (D | E)
Hello bluestar,
Thank you very much for your kind explanation.
I think I've got the idea.


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