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Help/foreign languages

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Help/foreign languages
Message from ayoub96 posted on 18-07-2013 at 12:19:06 (D | E | F)

Could someone help me to correct my wrting please?
Thank you for your help.

New developments in technology have made learning foreign languages of vital importance.
Write an article to your school magazine describing some of the advantages of learning a foreign language. Give examples from your experience.

Since the beginning of last century, technology has made a lot of progress. Every day, we learn about new inventions that revolute the world around us. It make life easier. Moreover, it brings vital importance to foreign languages especially English. People from all over the world began to apprehend foreign languages, this because it have numerous advantages.
First, foreign languages became necessary to learn about the American and European technologies. Speaking English, for example, help me to understand technologies’ mechanism. Sometimes, after buying a TV, a computer or a smartphone my father tell me to translate the help notes so he can understand the right manner to install those equipment.
In addition, foreign languages are primordial in high studies. In morocco, all the studies that comes after the baccalaureate are in French. Therefore, it is impossible to pursue your studies and attend your objectives if you speak only your native language. Me as a baccalaureate student used to do some France baccalaureates. My good level in French make me understand very well their exams and that help to prepare greatly my baccalaureate.
Finally, everybody know that surfing on the net require knowledge of English and French at least enough to understand it content. Indeed, most of the net’s websites are in English and in French. So how you can communicate through it without learning foreign languages. Concerning me, I rarely use Arabic to surf on the net and I never use it when I am talking with my friends on the social websites.
To sum up, foreign languages are very important today. It help us to understand technologies running, allows us to pursue our high studies and offer to everyone a widest source of information by consulting the net.

Edited by lucile83 on 18-07-2013 18:50

Re: Help/foreign languages from sherry48, posted on 18-07-2013 at 23:17:29 (D | E)
Hello. Here are some things to start with.
Since the beginning of ____ last century, technology has made a lot of progress. Every day, we learn about new inventions that revolute the world around us. It make_ life easier. Moreover, it brings vital importance to foreign languages especially English. People from all over the world began (If this is an action beginning in the past which continues today, what tense?) to apprehend (another word is much simpler) foreign languages, this ____ because it have numerous advantages.
First, foreign languages became necessary to learn about the American and European technologies. Speaking English, for example, help__ me to understand technologies’ mechanism. Sometimes, after buying a TV, a computer or a smartphone my father tell me to translate the help notes so he can understand the right manner to install those equipment.
In addition, foreign languages are primordial in high studies. In morocco, all the studies that comes after the baccalaureate are in French. Therefore, it is impossible to pursue your studies and attend your objectives if you speak only your native language. Me (Use a subject pronoun after student) as a baccalaureate student used to do some France baccalaureates. My good level in French make me understand very well their exams and that help to prepare greatly(not the right place) for my baccalaureate.
Finally, everybody know__ that surfing on the net require__ knowledge of English and French, at least enough to understand it content. Indeed, most of the net’s websites are in English and in French. So how you can communicate through it without learning foreign languages. (Is it a question?) Concerning me, I rarely use Arabic to surf on the net and I never use it when I am talking with my friends on the social websites.
To sum up, foreign languages are very important today. It help us to understand technologies running, allows us to pursue our high studies and offer to everyone a widest source of information by consulting the net.


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