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Help/letter about school

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Help/letter about school
Message from ayoub96 posted on 16-07-2013 at 13:25:15 (D | E | F)

Write a letter to an English friend telling him/her about how you have spent this school year.
You can tell about :
(School, teachers, classmates, subjects, exams…)

Dear Josh,
I am so sorry I did not write to you yet. I have been busy with my regional exam. Anyway, I am writing to tell you about my school year.
First, I want to describe my new school. By the way, I forget to tell you that I changed the school. My parents moved. So I was forced to find another one. In any case, my new school is great. It is bigger than my old one. Moreover, I had new classmates who were kind and very loyal. All during the year, they made me integrate their group. They gave me help in my studies. Furthermore, teachers, this year, were exceptional. I like them very much. They were patient, communicative and very helpful. However, exams that they were giving us were difficult. In addition, they marked us severely. Nevertheless, at the end, all those things helped me to get excellent marks at the regional exams.
Now what about you? How do you spend your first year at university?
Write me as soon as possible.
Your friend

Help me please to find out my mistakes...

Edited by lucile83 on 16-07-2013 22:09

Re: Help/letter about school from notrepere, posted on 16-07-2013 at 17:21:37 (D | E)

Dear Josh,
I am so sorry I did not write to you yet. I have been busy with my regional exam. Anyway, I am writing to tell you about my school year.
First, I want to describe my new school. By the way, I forget to tell you that I changed the school schools. My parents moved, so I was forced to find another one. In any case, my new school is great. It is bigger than my old one. Moreover, I had new classmates who were kind and very loyal. All during the year, they made(another verb) me integrate(not the best choice) their group. They gave me help in my studies. Furthermore, teachers, this year, were exceptional. I liked them very much. They were patient, communicative and very helpful. However, exams that they were giving us(not grammatically correct; I would use the simple past tense) were difficult. In addition, they marked us severely. Nevertheless, at the end, all those things helped me to get excellent marks at the regional exams.
Now what about you? How did you spend your first year at university?
Write me as soon as possible.
Your friend

Re: Help/letter about school from ayoub96, posted on 16-07-2013 at 20:33:17 (D | E)
Thanks !!!!

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Forum > English only

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