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Take the train there/here

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Take the train there/here
Message from sabrina1011 posted on 25-06-2013 at 16:54:08 (D | E | F)

Can you help me please?

I have a question below:
I can take the train there.
I can take the train to get here.
Are they both correct? if so, what is the difference between them?
Thank you.

Edited by lucile83 on 25-06-2013 17:08

Re: Take the train there/here from notrepere, posted on 25-06-2013 at 18:34:18 (D | E)

Yes, they are both correct.

I can take the train there.
You can take the train to get from where you are (here) to some other place (there).

I can take the train to get here.
You can take the train to get from some other place (there) to where you are now (here).

Re: Take the train there/here from sabrina1011, posted on 26-06-2013 at 15:38:51 (D | E)
Thank you, notrepere.
Sabrina ^-^

Re: Take the train there/here from notrepere, posted on 27-06-2013 at 04:35:24 (D | E)

I can take the train there.

This can also mean "Once I get to another place, I can take the train once I get there."

Re: Take the train there/here from sabrina1011, posted on 27-06-2013 at 17:27:47 (D | E)
Thank you again, notrepere. Give me more explanations please.
They are helpful.. Sabrina

Edited by lucile83 on 27-06-2013 18:12

Re: Take the train there/here from hushpuppy, posted on 27-06-2013 at 18:16:47 (D | E)
Hello Sabrina,
The first phrase is correct.
I wouldn't use "I can take the train to get here." unless I was looking at a map and pointing to a specific location, or if I added the word "back" or "return".
"I can take the train to get back here." "I can take the train to return here."
However, you can use "YOU can take the train to get here (where I am)."
Have a great day !

Re: Take the train there/here from sabrina1011, posted on 28-06-2013 at 11:09:48 (D | E)
so if I modified the sentence.
I can take the train to get there.
is it correct?
thank you

Re: Take the train there/here from hushpuppy, posted on 28-06-2013 at 16:59:24 (D | E)
Good morning,
Yes, this is perfect !

Re: Take the train there/here from sabrina1011, posted on 29-06-2013 at 17:32:02 (D | E)
thank you.

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