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Help/about prepositions

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Help/about prepositions
Message from andy90 posted on 08-06-2013 at 10:52:54 (D | E | F)
Hello everybody.

when I speak or write English, I always get confused with the prepositions on/in/at..etc.
For example, on the weekend is right or at the weekend is right? or both of them are OK?
Is there any rule for this kind of words?

Edited by lucile83 on 08-06-2013 15:09

Re: Help/about prepositions from komiks, posted on 08-06-2013 at 11:11:50 (D | E)
Both are correct.
at the weekend/ at weekends
on the weekend/on weekends

Here are lessons about prepositions : Link

Hope this helps
Have a nice day

Re: Help/about prepositions from andy90, posted on 10-06-2013 at 04:41:32 (D | E)
Thanks for your reply. that's useful for me.

Re: Help/about prepositions from clint01, posted on 18-06-2013 at 20:19:35 (D | E)

IN for period of time
IN 1994, in winter, in July, in the afternoon, in the evening
ON for days of the week
On Saturday, on 21st July
AT for hour
At 7 o'clock
but at night, at the weekend

IN for large places
In Spain, in Rome,
On the wall
AT a particular place: at 21 Kent street
at 20 centigrade, at 200 kilometres an hour
but at school, at home

Edited by lucile83 on 18-06-2013 21:38

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Forum > English only

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