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Message from mililia19 posted on 05-06-2013 at 18:24:19 (D | E | F)

Would you like please to help me?
when we write paragraphs about historical events ;what are the most important things that we must mention, and what are the things that we must avoid.
I really need a help because it is my first experience with this type of paragraphs.
Please help me.
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 05-06-2013 21:12

Re: Paragraph/history from hushpuppy, posted on 05-06-2013 at 19:42:12 (D | E)
What are the most important things that we must mention ?
The most important things are the historical events (good or bad) that changed the course of history, and to include the people/organizations that made such a change possible. Keep the subjects relevant to the topic and keep it organized. Always cite your sources.

What are the things that we must avoid ?
It is best to avoid unnecessary information or unsupported information.

Good luck !

Re: Paragraph/history from violet91, posted on 05-06-2013 at 23:09:28 (D | E)
Hello ,
A) Historical events should be introduced by the context they took ( take) place in . Then, when writing and developing ,you must be absolutely sure of dates , places, names of people involved and what happened , what it led to ; good indeed to add accurate quotes to underline this or that influence and change(s) it ( or they = events) brought and the definite strength of some politicians .

B ) It is also necessary not to judge anyone and let the examiner guess which political side you are . Be very cautious about it ; you never know who corrects your work or is sitting in front of you . Keep as neutral as possible , unless it is something everybody disagrees with and condemns .

Good luck , too .

Re: Paragraph/history from delf2312, posted on 10-06-2013 at 14:37:52 (D | E)
I would like to add something about grammar: I don't know which country you are from but personnaly, I'm French and I'm sometimes tempted to use the present tense to describe historical events because that's something we often do in French.
In English, you have to use past tenses !

Good luck.

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Forum > English only

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